WP.com Performance

It’s nice when people notice these things. There are a few more performance changes planned that may help even more, even while we’re adding more than a thousand blogs every day. Right now we’re in noodle mode, throwing things against the server walls and seeing what sticks. 🙂

17 thoughts on “WP.com Performance

  1. More than a thousand a day? Holy crap… Can we get a quick “zeitgeist” for WP.com added to the homepage? I’d love to know how many you guys are hosting / adding on a regular basis. Maybe just # of blogs, # added today, # of posts, # posted today… Nothing too detailed.

  2. The front page shows the total # rounded to the nearest thousand.

    I think more interesting on a zeitgeist would be posts per day, comments per day, and some measures of “activity.” Which blogs are getting hits? What’s the attrition rate? How many are registered just for the API key?

  3. How many are registered just for the API key?

    That was going to be my question…

    Though it’s good to see that, even on the surface, WP.com is so popular

  4. Well you have to deal with people registering just for the API key (I know I did… on some level…) because of its restrictions (that API key can only be obtained from wp.com). And I’m as curious as Nik, how did you guys tweak the server? Mind to share?

  5. Stats fanatic? Meee? Nooo…

    Numbers… More Numbers, must have numberssss! *shakes*

    Matt: I thought more detailed would be cool, but figured I’d have better luck asking for the simple stuff first. 🙂

  6. Please Matt, add that WP-Andreas09 theme to WordPress.com! I promise to send you a cake on your next Birthday if you do. Yes, really!

    How about adding some candy from the WP port of Shaun Inmans “ShortStat” to the new WP.com stats screen?

  7. I wish there was a way to contact support if you can’t log in and the site refuses to mail you your password. (I can’t get into my “bigpinkcookie” account) – but other than that, I love it! It is fabulous!