Daily WP.cOm

Check it out, daily.gigaom.com is now hosted on WordPress.com. If you're logged into WP.com you'll see the admin bar on the site. We're seeing some folks do some interesting things with Custom CSS, like Lorelle and Mirkwood and we've got about a dozen folks testing domain mapping.

11 thoughts on “Daily WP.cOm

  1. Thanks for the link Matt. I was wondering why my hit-count suddenly went through the roof. ;). Actually, it is Andy that deserves the credit for sharing the Sandbox Kubrick CSS as soon as the upgrade went up. Most of us skin-dilettantes took it as the starting point and it was a lot simpler from there.

  2. People are doing interesting things with custom CSS; but daily.gigaom.com is using a custom theme, not custom CSS. Are you testing another new feature or is he just Special?

  3. Om is a VIP, we’ll be added a few more over the next month or so. How they interact with themes is still limited, but if they already have one ready we’ll load it up for them.

  4. Domain mapping is definitely a good improvement for WordPress.com, something I’ve been expecting for sometime now.
    How do you handle WP login cookies accross different domains? That may be the root cause that prevents the admin bar from displaying correctly.