Alexa appears to be blocking any image loads from the Statsaholic domain, which was recently renamed from Alexaholic. If you change or block your referrers, the images load just fine. Bad form on Alexa’s part, especially since Alexaholic put an infinitely more usable UI on Alexa’s data, which Alexa later updated their own chart widgets to copy.
Well Statsaholic is lot better. 🙂
Nice catch. Alexa seems to be imploding lately. Their stats are being scrutinized and its not pretty. Check out my latest blog entry:
Please Stop Quoting Alexa Data
Hotlinking is bad, period. Why to eat someone else bandwidth?
I seriously doubt the bandwidth used by the site is even a rounding error for Amazon/Alexa.
Dustin that report is fairly biased, because you are not comparing apples with apples.
It is more like comparing apples with tiramisu
There is still massive inaccuracy within the same niche, but the same can be true of competitors like Compete or Quantcast, as my recent comparison showed.
Matt I agree this it very Myspace like, the widgets provide backlinks for Alexa all over the net, and are hardly a resource drain.
Maybe what they really need to do is introduce some caching, so they only pull the widget once per day to make Alexa happy.
I have been nudging a few WordPress plugin developers to do a caching plugin for MyBlogLog and other services for over a month now, as it would probably be fairly straight forward to do with curl if they had the experience.
The name has been changed back to Statsaholic.
Amazon blocks Statsaholic right now
Please support them.
Of course we still can’t get in this list:
Sorry about that oversight. is on Seth’s list now, currently #16.
Thanks for the coverage.
Oh thanks! Hope everything works out for you.