PC World did an article on “The 50 Most Important People on the Web” and I came in at #16 and the youngest on the list. Thanks to everyone who emailed and wrote, it was a very pleasant way to wake up this morning.
PC World did an article on “The 50 Most Important People on the Web” and I came in at #16 and the youngest on the list. Thanks to everyone who emailed and wrote, it was a very pleasant way to wake up this morning.
Congratulations Matt, you are in some excellent company and you deserve it.
You are the top 1 for me ^^
Congratulations. You beat out some VERY prominent people.
congrat matt! you deserve for it!!
You may not be lucky at cards but you are lucky (ok – and talented) with your web endeavors. Congratulations on your Number 16 victory. Someday I hope to be in the top 1000 (lol) for accomplished fishermen.
Edward Mortell – Captain’s Log
I didn’t know you were *that* young ! “La valeur n’attend pas le nombre des années”… as we say !
Well done
Congrats, that’s awesome news! If only they spelled Akismet correctly.. “Askismet”
Matt, Congrats. It’s a well-deserved acknowledgement of all the great stuff you’ve done and are doing.
WP.com is awesome. My 9 yr old daughter set up a blog this weekend. I love the privacy features.
Regardless kudos to you.
Congratulations, Matt!
I must confess, I’ve never even heard of some of those people on that list — or even some of the companies they represent — including a few of the top 15 as well.
Well deserved! That’s great motivation to keep improving WP. We love ya!
Congratulations Matt!
Congratulations Matt, you are quite an inspiration. As one so influential at your (and my) age you make me realise what I can achieve too, if I try hard. Great work!
You deserve it. Congrats Matt!
And ahead of the Yahoo folks… that speaks volumes.
Congrats to you Matt.
Congratulations, Matt. Well-deserved.
WordPress was my first choice for a blogging tool… and I’m glad I started out with it.
Congrats Matt!
You even beat the Secondlife guys!
Way to go Matt!!
Hi Matt,
WordPress is awesome and I have you to thanks for making it so innovative yet reliable. Justs gets better and better.
Thanks a bunch and many more kudos will come your way in future.
Congratulations and God Bless Matt! Thanks for creating such a great product!
Congratulations Matt
#16 is quite impressive!
Congratulations Matt, you are differently not in the bes company, but you differently are the best man in that company, and one of the best that I know.
On February 19 I wrote about WordPress on my weblog and while I was writing it, I knew that something good is coming to you guys
It’s funny how the article forgets the origins of WordPress…
Your work is greatly appreciated – but PC World seems to forget that you built upon an excellent product created by Michael.
Thanks for giving us WordPress! Matt for president!!!
congrats…so when is the memphis mini celebration?
Adding my voice to the many here to say congratulations. So much achieved in so short a time. Well deserved!
Congratulations, Matt! Way to go!
Way to go. Personally I can’t thank you enough for WordPress, and I’m so glad you’re getting this recognition. Awesome.
Rock on, you stud.
LOL. You beat Ray Ozzie, Jeff Bezos and a whole bunch of CEO’s hands down. We knew that already, now the rest of the world knows it too.
Oh, and if you ever get to The Netherlands I’d be honoured to buy you that drink.
That’s an incredible achievement. Congratulations!
How annoying for you to end up on the same list as Weiner!
Congratulations Matt… I think your plan for world domination is going according to plan…
“I just love it when a plan comes together”….
Congratulationw!! WordPress is THE best. Good work for a 22 year old.
“…can barely buy a drink”. Nice.
Way to go, Matt.
Muchly deserved, Matt. Well done!