71 thoughts on “One Billion Spams

  1. Is there a running number of how many have been caught so far? I know the 500 or so from my blog doesn’t amount to a hill of beans! Still, I’ve been extremely happy with the effectiveness of Askimet.

  2. Whenever it does, you need to have Mike Meyers on standby, in his Dr. Evil gear, ready to declare: “One BILL-E-ON spams!”

  3. I think Akismet will hit 1,000,000,000 spam in 2009 sometime. But that’s a projected growth. If more people created wordpress blogs and activated the akismet then it will jump but I don’t see that happening. So sometime in 2009, akismet will hit it’s 1 billionth spam block.

  4. I retract my phrase after futher inspection, the total at aksimet is “Total spam: 984,726,157”. So I am going tomorrow, the 1 billionth spam will come.

  5. Next week on my blog alone…. 😉

    Can you come up with something similar to stop that poxy Elliot Back plugin being used to steal my posts? I’m getting really sick of seeing them appear all over the web…

    That’d be a plugin I’d pay for!

  6. Unfortunately very very soon.
    We only started our blog last week so we haven’t yet got a large visitor base, but the number of spam emails we get are unbelievable.

  7. I’m not sure – but I bet at the rate that my blogs seem to get spam – some of them at about 200 per day – even with askimet enabled and user registration required. But Askimet blocks 99.99% of it – so its all good… thanks to that handy delete all button

  8. Doubt it’ll be much longer, I mean I ended up with 80 being caught within the first hour of my first post on my blog.

    I wish that there was something more we could do to block them – even though askimet is very good, it’d be nice to eliminate it before even them.

  9. As at the time of writing Akismet has blocked 13,315 spams, many of which I have never seen since I also employ a close comments plug in.

    I’d go for within the next 24 hours.

  10. I was getting around 100+ spam per day — after installing Bad Behaviour, I have literally had 1 spam in a week. This is seriously the best plugin I’ve ever installed for blocking spam — and no, unfortunately I didn’t create it. 😀

  11. March 23, 2007, at about 1400 CST (U.S.A). The current count is about 988,750,000, with over 11,500,000 caught today.

    Without Askimet, I’d have to turn off blog comments – and that’s no fun!

  12. “Akismet has caught 50,499 spam for you since you first installed it.”

    Thats since July 2006 roughly, for a blog that gets a couple hundred visitors a day. I expect that globally, its gotta be close to 1 billion now.

  13. One Billion Spams!? Holy cow! Now a days, I see people talking about huge spam counts.. TechCrunch hit 1 million(?) a few days ago.

    Thank God, Akismet is there to protect us! Otherwise I’d really feel pissed off only in 4999 spam comments (February 2007 to present) on my blog.

  14. It would take 24 hours to hit it. There appears to be a drastic increase in SPAM over the past week. Why I am not certain but Akismet is hitting about 4-500 a day for the last week off my blog. That is far higher than any other week that I recall.

  15. I installed a shoutbox on my blog yesterday and within the hour was being hit by drug spam in it, so I had to make it usable by registered site members only. So I’d say, yeah, very soon I would expect that significant mark to be reached… Man, how much crap is that? How much slave labour went into compiling all those spams?

  16. Pingback: One Billion Spam
  17. Pingback: boakes.org
  18. Spam grows exponentially. I have a lightly-traffic’d blog, and got over 2000 spams this week alone. It took me something like the first three months to get the first 2000.

    So, a better question would be, when do you expect Akismet to reach 1,000,000,000,000 blocked spams? (1 Trillion in North American terms)

  19. I’m shocked to see the speed! 😐 And the funniest thing is that even spammers are creative! Sometimes, I check my spam messages and feel like laughing.

  20. Wow, did you ever think you’d see the day, when 1 Billion SPAMs were caught, while it was being developed?

    What you should do is have an actual live counter, that would increase without the need for refreshes. 😛

  21. With 5.000 spamposts being caught by Akismet in the last week (15.000 since I started the weblog last fall) I can’t even start to say how much I appreciate this tools. It wouldn’t have been possible to run a weblog at all without it.

    Thanks. Keep on snatching them 😉

  22. I am in a similar boat to Jan. I have a low traffic site (maybe 300 visitors a day at best) but get nearly 2000 spam posts (trackbacks, pings and comments) a week. Without Akismet, I have no idea what I would do. (Sadly around 2-3 a week sneak past the filters but I can live with that!)

    Well done Akismet!

    (as for the 95% of all comments being spam, it is probably higher on my blog… :-()

  23. It seems to be 100% effective so far. None through and no false positives but I am not a big site (yet). It will clearly reach X00,000,000,000…. It will just take time. The only thing that will stop that number is if spam somehow vanishes over night. I wish Akismet luck but if spam goes I won;t feel sorry for Akismet.

  24. I have never left spam in my life, but about three weeks ago akismet got me banned from all the WP blogs I post on. I contacted them and was told “it is self-correcting” and “should be adapting soon.” Great, after three weeks.

    So…I think they’ll hit it any second because they’re calling a heck of a lot of stuff spam, that isn’t.

  25. Alison, the fact that your comment got through here with no problems means that the system was, indeed, self-correcting. You weren’t caught by Akismet.

    I can’t speak to your problems on other sites, so maybe there is something else in play that is causing your comments not to appear.

  26. Would be interesting to see a line on there for the number of actual blogs protected. Could see if there was a relative increase in the amount per blog of spam.