NASA on WordPress

J. J. Toothman wrote in that NASA is using WordPress for their new Ames Research Center project. Sweet!

26 thoughts on “NASA on WordPress

  1. Wow!!!
    Space””the final frontier. These are the voyages of the blogship WordPress. Its mission: to explore strange new codes, to seek out new plugins and new php files, to boldly go where no platform has gone before

    WordPress rulez! 😉

    all the best

  2. So sad that NASA couldn’t put a link back to WP…

    Does this mean it is ok to rip cd’s and share them over P2P networks now that the government has toileted attribution?

  3. Good news, and this is a great plus when it comes to the credibility of one of the most exciting open-source projects in the past year.

    Now, when someone critisizes WP, I can just leave them dumbfounded by replying “Well NASA uses it!”

  4. We love WordPress over here at NASA Glenn Research Center, with a smaller group of us using it to make publishing NASA Directorate, Branch or Project sites easy for every type of HTML-knowledged worker, from administrative to technical.

    See more here:

    Our customized theme (still using a modified version of Sandbox) with some revisions, passes muster with the annual Section 508 accessibility reviews. New issues are addresses and fixes help every curator.

    On Deck: Updated our theme to match the current NASA Affinity “Look and Feel,” as seen at