New York City Meetup

I’m going to be in New York next week and it’d be great to meet some of the WordPress community there. How about we do a WordPress Wednesday on April the 11th, starting around 7 or 8. Any ideas for a good venue?

24 thoughts on “New York City Meetup

  1. Assuming you don’t mind leaving out the under-21 crowd, I can recommend Lolita Bar, which has always been friendly and accomodating to a monthly meeting that I take part in each month. Drinks aren’t outrageous and there is a basement lounge. It’s a relaxed place and decently located.

    I hope to be at the meet-up, wherever it is. I’d like to shake your hand and say thanks.

  2. Dangit! I’m not in New York (yet), wish I could be there. I’m in Sri Lanka instead right now…but I still definitely want to meet you sometime sooner than later Matt 😉

  3. The west Village seems to be a favorite of Web-centric meetups; lots of intimate pubs and such. For more convenience, though, you may want to consider a similar locale in Midtown — maybe The Ginger Man.

  4. wo hop…. 24 hr chinese food… best place in the city to eat… very friendly… 12 mott st… and then after that you can go over to bryant park…

  5. I’ve been on one that was held at a Starbucks near Times Square before. I would suggest some place in the Village, though. I would suggest a hookah bar, but I suppose finding one with wireless might be a tall order.

    Also, if the weather is nice, Bryant Park might be a good choice, since Google pumps free wireless into that park. It’s central and beautiful. 😉

  6. I live\work in NYC and would like to come to the meetup. I can reccomend some placed if necessary in the union square area. Keep me posted. These types of things usually benefit from setting up a wiki.

  7. The AJAX World Conference was just held at the Roosevelt Hotel (45th and Madison), which was a nice venue.

    May be worth looking into.

  8. Hey Matt,
    Been awhile since SXSW 05 and the drunk moments within where I first met you, but I can reccomend two locations,
    a) swift tavern -its chill and great beer selection
    b) continental – astor place location, cheap drinks, and the owner(Trigger) is a burner who is very chill…nyc burning man community meets there regularily…

  9. I vote for Bryant Park, too. There is a bar if the weather is bad and, if its sunny out, plenty of tables and chairs outdoors.

  10. I’m up for a meetup. It seems every time you hit NYC I’m away on vacation. It would be nice to meet some other WP users.

  11. Bryant Park would be great in the summer. But sunset is at 19:30 and the forecast for Wednesday is in the low 40’s.

    So where wiil we meet?