Wine in the Mail August 1, 2007AsidesMatt Someone sent me a great bottle of wine, but with no identifying information of where it was from. Was it you? Share this:Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window)Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window)Click to share on Pocket (Opens in new window)Click to share on Telegram (Opens in new window)Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window) Related Posts
So… you received a bottle of liquid in the mail which was unsolicited and came from some unknown party… And you drank it? Well, that’s good to know. Now I know a simple and easy way to kill you remotely, should it ever become necessary. Reply
It wasn’t me but if the seal on the bottle is still unbroken and you do not want it, I will be more than happy to accept it on your behalf. Reply
Well as much as I talk about getting you a bottle or so of wine, I really never got what type you like. So nope, wasn’t I. Reply
wow. the conspiracy theorist abound. perhaps the concern is just jealousy in disguise. sounds like you may have an admirer. lucky you! unless, it’s a stalker . . Reply
I wish I knew what annoying distro list you have to get on to get free wine. All I ever get are offers to enhance my non-existent breasts! Reply
But can you tell me about the wine?
Wasn’t me.
So… you received a bottle of liquid in the mail which was unsolicited and came from some unknown party… And you drank it?
Well, that’s good to know. Now I know a simple and easy way to kill you remotely, should it ever become necessary.
If I say it was me, will you send me a bottle of Whiskey?
Nope, not me.
If no one else claims it, I will!
or…you could forward the bottle to me if you don’t want it…
I’d get suspicious if I got a bottle of wine in my mail in this terrorist age…
Ah, this title reminds me my tiny site “”, I always call it “Mail in Egg”.
Don’t drink it, it might be poisoned! (I wouldn’t risk myself.)
It wasn’t me but if the seal on the bottle is still unbroken and you do not want it, I will be more than happy to accept it on your behalf.
That depends. Did you like the gift?
Well as much as I talk about getting you a bottle or so of wine, I really never got what type you like. So nope, wasn’t I.
Yeah, it could be from somebody at Six apart or worse still…Blogger! Don’t open it Matt!
wow. the conspiracy theorist abound. perhaps the concern is just jealousy in disguise. sounds like you may have an admirer. lucky you!
unless, it’s a stalker . .
Uh… yeah! Yeah! It was me! That’s the ticket!
Definitely not me
Mmm – delicious mystery wine.
It was spam ! :-p
Tell us about the bottle!
I wish I knew what annoying distro list you have to get on to get free wine. All I ever get are offers to enhance my non-existent breasts!
No message in the bottle??