Self Importance Test

Technosailor has an online self-importance test that tells you which “web celebrity” you are based on a few questions. I’m apparently a possible outcome but when I took the test myself I got “Jason Calacanis.”

100 thoughts on “Self Importance Test

  1. Looks like I’m you also:

    You are most like Matt Mullenweg!

    You are most like Matt Mullenweg. Though you recognize your authority, you do not relish the idea of using your power too aggressively. Instead, you rely on peers a lot. You do participate in the social media world, but it is not something that occupies a lot of time. You most likey devote yourself to projects that you feel passionate about and tend to evangelize those things quite a bit.

    I can live with that.

  2. Matt M,

    I just took the test. It gave me this response:

    You are most like Matt Mullenweg!

    You are most like Matt Mullenweg. Though you recognize your authority, you do not relish the idea of using your power too aggressively. Instead, you rely on peers a lot. You do participate in the social media world, but it is not something that occupies a lot of time. You most likey devote yourself to projects that you feel passionate about and tend to evangelize those things quite a bit.

    Man, do I feel awesome! After what you got after taking it maybe I’m not like you. Well, whatever the case is I thought it was interesting. Maybe, it’s the Matt thisng in this case.

  3. Woops, forgot this part.

    “You are most like Matt Mullenweg. Though you recognize your authority, you do not relish the idea of using your power too aggressively. Instead, you rely on peers a lot. You do participate in the social media world, but it is not something that occupies a lot of time. You most likey devote yourself to projects that you feel passionate about and tend to evangelize those things quite a bit.”

  4. Or the short story in which a physics professor discovered time travel, and brought William Shakespeare forward in time. The Bard proceeded to enroll in a Shakespeare class, and the Literature professor flunked him.

  5. “You are most like Matt Mullenweg.” That’s kind of nifty. How’s THAT for a re-assurance of your self importance and/or celebrity status? The rest:

    “Though you recognize your authority, you do not relish the idea of using your power too aggressively. Instead, you rely on peers a lot. You do participate in the social media world, but it is not something that occupies a lot of time. You most likey devote yourself to projects that you feel passionate about and tend to evangelize those things quite a bit.”

    Fun times.

  6. I am Matt Mullenweg.

    “You are most like Matt Mullenweg. Though you recognize your authority, you do not relish the idea of using your power too aggressively. Instead, you rely on peers a lot. You do participate in the social media world, but it is not something that occupies a lot of time. You most likey devote yourself to projects that you feel passionate about and tend to evangelize those things quite a bit.”

  7. I’m either Chris Pirillo or you, Matt, depending on whether I claim that “meyerweb” is a use of my name for a domain. Which is weird, because I don’t see you two as being anything like similar.

  8. Matt, it seems the test needs some fine tuning … I ended like Matthew Mullenweg. The correct answer should be opposite – that you are like me 🙂 Although my “celebrity” definition is still missing 😉

  9. You are most like Matt Mullenweg. Though you recognize your authority, you do not relish the idea of using your power too aggressively. Instead, you rely on peers a lot. You do participate in the social media world, but it is not something that occupies a lot of time. You most likey devote yourself to projects that you feel passionate about and tend to evangelize those things quite a bit.
    Answered no to almost everything except owning my own name as a domain name.

  10. Haha…If I could only earn the money like the one I’m most like:

    You are most like Darren Rowse!

    You are like Darren Rowse. You are relatively mild mannered, confident in how you operate and choose not to “rock the boat”. Your ego does not flair often. Instead, you choose to assist other bloggers as much as possible. In some cases, you may find it to be your mission in life. You do not participate in a large amount of social networking and if you do, you’re not particularly aggressive about “friending” people. To you, it is a waste of time that could be used for more productive things.

  11. I am most like Darren Rowse.

    Well, I’ll agree with the fact that I like to help other bloggers when I can. Just the other day, I was participating in the end of a podcast and ended up talking to two other bloggers for an hour, giving them some tips and tricks. I honestly don’t participate in many social networking services and I don’t turn everyone in the world into my friend. So it’s nice that I apparently have some of the same qualities as Darren, but will I ever make as much income as Darren? That’s the question I want to know.

  12. I don’t know what you posers are up to, but the quiz clearly identified me as Matt Mullenweg.

    Actually, if you strip away Matt’s name and go with the description, it fits me fairly well.

    Except I would not have misspelled ‘likely.’

  13. If you really want a self-importance test, look at Google Earth with Sky and ask “and where are you?” Very eye-opening….

  14. Hah! I guess results should be taken with a grain of salt then. Either that or you’ve managed to hide your huge ego all this time. (And according to the quiz, I’m a you as well.)

  15. I am most like Darren Rowse!

    …Just no where near as popular

    “You are like Darren Rowse. You are relatively mild mannered, confident in how you operate and choose not to “rock the boat”. Your ego does not flair often. Instead, you choose to assist other bloggers as much as possible. In some cases, you may find it to be your mission in life. You do not participate in a large amount of social networking and if you do, you’re not particularly aggressive about “friending” people. To you, it is a waste of time that could be used for more productive things.”

  16. I guess by now the “I’m you, too,” comments must be getting old. What I want to know is are you me? Or, is that are you I? Tell you what we can do… a blogger’s version of “Trading Spaces… never watched it… don’t have TV… but I’m familiar with the concept.
    What do you say?

  17. Heh, Matt, it seems this should be renamed “”:


    (no blackberry)
    (don’t advertise my meetings)
    (didn’t line up for iphone… cannot in NZ anyway)
    (own a mac) [well, i use 2 macs and 1 PC]
    (new york yankees, but I would have choosen ‘I dont follow US football’)
    (i drink tea, not coffee)
    (a dive bar)
    (no vanity search)
    (no twitter)
    (don’t have a show) {although if I choose, yes, it makes no difference. I do have videos of me from TV and presenting to Google. What should my answer be? :P)
    (get free stuff)
    (dont own name as domain)

    “You are most like Matt Mullenweg. Though you recognize your authority, you do not relish the idea of using your power too aggressively. Instead, you rely on peers a lot. You do participate in the social media world, but it is not something that occupies a lot of time. You most likley devote yourself to projects that you feel passionate about and tend to evangelize those things quite a bit”

    Tend to mainly agree but its a bit like horoscopes that say “You will find money a big issue this week”, and so your brain recalls that day you left your wallet at home and you went to shout someone lunch and then couldn’t.