WordPress in Sweden

Edenstrom wrote in the other day: “Several Swedish companies are pioneers using WordPress 2 as their new open source CMS platform. The nationwide magazine Fokus.se) and the food site taffel.se are two fresh examples. The bureau goodold.se are promoting WordPress as their choice of CMS.”

20 thoughts on “WordPress in Sweden

  1. That’s because WordPress rocks! And that’s my completely unbiased opinion. I’m going to go and admire my new hoodie now – many hugs to you! C.

  2. The speed at which wordpress has been progressing, and evolving, this news doesn’t come to me as a surprise at all. WordPress is indeed one of the coolest CMS out there, even I recommend it to everyone who want’s to start a website.

  3. I’d say you could make a crazy big list of sites, both high and low profile, that run WordPress in Sweden, Matt. Gunnar’s blog network is one, mine is another, and there are more. There’s also numerous companies using it to power their sites, as well as magazines starting to See the Light.

  4. I run WordPress on all my sites. One of the most visited historical sites (www.karlxii.se, rank 4 in its category on Alexa in december 2007) is one of them. My personal blog is driven by WordPress, as well as my company site and the newspaper I run.

    Is there a better solution? Nope.

    By the way… Thanx, Matt, for a very readworthy web site — one of my fave sites since forever.

  5. Here in Denmark we also have a lot of services who’s using WordPress:

    Danish newspaper Politiken is using WordPress MU:

    Another big Danish news paper Berlingske Tidende has this as well:

    The Danish Broadcasting Association (DR) also used WordPress at some point, not sure they still do, though…

    Apart from that a lot of executives, technicians, journalists (like myself) and many other are using WordPress in Denmark.

    // Lars

  6. I work for The Social Welfare Services Administration in Stockholm (Sweden) and I run one of our intranets using WordPress; everybody’s happy with it. Furthermore, I run three private blogs all using WordPress, dating back to when I found the very first public version, and I’m a very happy camper/admin. Cheers!

  7. Hey Matt,

    it’s good to see bigger swedish companies getting into the opensource market. I myself lived and work here in IT, you’ll find most companies won’t even cast an eye over the opensource community and treat it like a plague.

    But with all the web2.0 site popping up it was just a matter of time and the fact that custom built apps cost a lot more to maintain than if you use the opensource products.

    I’ve been using wordpress since around 2003 or 2004, anyway it a fabulous CMS/blog app.


  8. I tried MSN’s Spaces offering and my ISP’s bundled version until I realized that WordPress was not only free but supported by my ISP. Only a few minutes later, the site was up! At some point, I will create my own theme as well.

  9. Quite frankly, WP is so easy to use and has got everything you need, why would you want anything else.
    I am now using it to install an ‘internal blog’ for the company I work for, kind of a simplified version of an intranet. Nicest thing is I don’t need the IT guys 🙂