Yahoo Interview

I was at Yahoo with Raanan a few weeks ago and Jeremy Zawodny grabbed me and we did an interview for Yahoo Developer Network. We talk about WP 2.5, scaling, bbPress, PHP vs the world, and more.

15 thoughts on “Yahoo Interview

  1. Enjoyed the interview. I was a little worried about the future of WP but after watching this 2.5 looks pretty exciting.

    Glad to hear you like Python 🙂

  2. Great job, Matt! Good stage presence, winning smile. You should run for office.

    Unfortunately, though English is my native language, I haven’t a clue what you said. 🙂

    Ph5 something?
    PYTHONS??????? I don’t like snakes.

    Now, RUBIES I like. 🙂


  3. Woo – nice interview. I’m excited about 2.5 – and I hope this interview gains even more interest in an already highly used (rightly so) package.

  4. Lloyd:

    Dunno about switching yet. My current setup still works well for me, but I can see a day when that’s no longer the case and WP is the likely next move.

    I didn’t hog the microphone. We had a clip-on for Matt. 🙂

  5. Hm, well the content was great. Had some trouble with buffering on my end but that could be my shoddy wireless.

    Overall, great interview Matt. It offered a lot of great insight and I’m quite a bit more excited to see the next version of WordPress unleashed! Keep up the good work 🙂

    (Yes, even looking forward to some more bbPress action)

  6. Jeremy, that is great news! Of course, We will continue to work hard to give you more reason to choose WordPress, and look forward to your insights into how we are doing and what we can do to provide even more compelling reasons to switch.

    Clip-on for Matt: ohhh, your audio Jeremy seemed a little better to me, but I wondered how Matt’s was still pretty good. I’m also easily visually distracted.

  7. I think you’ve already been bashed enough about PHP5. I hope more people actually learn and use PHP5 before they give their opinion on that it is nothing special however. I’m not speaking about you personally Matt, since I believe from what you have said before.

    However, there are others who know nothing about PHP5 and the enhancements, but will take from the discussion. The debate is for them and not towards you.

    I look forward to seeing you in Dallas and hopefully the decision WordPress makes on the PHP5 issue in the future.