New BuddyPress Site

The new BuddyPress site is up and includes the key ingredients of an open source project: mailing list, bug tracker, and SVN. No official release of anything yet, but if you’re interested in following the development you should join the mailing list. The site itself is, of course, powered by WordPress.

39 thoughts on “New BuddyPress Site

  1. Great to see this up finally, but I have questions, where do I direct them? Could we get a FAQ started maybe? Or even a forum?

  2. I’m just about planning and searching for a good social network script for my youth organization that I’d be founding, this is just what I need!
    WP is getting better and better!

  3. Finally…..I wait it for so long. Why don’t you just integrate the plugins with WP-MU. I think it will be much easier.

  4. Wow! I’ve been following you guys for a long time and was wondering when you were going to bring the site back up…

    Any possible word on the first stable public release?

  5. interesting, I’m really waiting for the official release. I have been searching an open source social networking platform for quite a while

  6. Can’t wait for Buddypress to be advancing! You realise how much pain you are putting us through? The devil of excitement is out, hunting…

  7. So, when I want my own group twitter clone, I just take BuddyPress with the Prologue-theme… Who’s going to write a plugin to make following between twitter-clones possible?

  8. Hey Matt looks nice. Now stop makin’ sexy themes and get back to buddy press πŸ˜‰

    Just bustin’ yer chops. Can’t wait to see what the next few weeks brings.

  9. Absoluteley marvelous. *Theme* driven innovation. Love it.

    One thing — “Extended Profiles” is THE key to any CMS seeking to satisfy basic CRM or social networking requirements. Is there anything like this for the standard WP?
