Broken Kindle

My Kindle is quite broken, not sure how it happened, probably it got pressure in my bag or something? Since I’ve been professing my love of the Kindle to anyone who will listen maybe Amazon will send a replacement, if not I’ll try to go through support when I get back to the states. In the meantime, back to reading dead trees (or more likely not much at all).

21 thoughts on “Broken Kindle

  1. Amazon has been really, really good about replacing broken Kindles, even if it was an accident/”your fault”. I’ve heard dozens of happy tales of Kindle owners getting a replacement unit shipped to them after they called support. Definitely try it – Amazon seems to realize they need to take care of their Kindle owners/evangelists!

    Good luck! 🙂

  2. I just started using WordPress myself, nice system. Sorry to hear about your Kindle, that sucks. If you have a Nintendo DS, I run a website that basically gives it the same functionality as the Kindle. Actually, now that I think about it, a bit more, as you can watch movies on it too.

    I’ve been trying to drum up some interest from Nintendo developers for over a year now, but no luck, so, for now it’s all totally free. Oh, it’s legal too by the way. 😉

    You can check out my website at

  3. I like these electronic gadgets and toys too, but I haven’t heard of any broken book lately. But then, I may be a bit old fashioned..

  4. I love my Kindle and while traveling recently dropped it cracking the screen… 100% my fault. Called Amazon and had a replacement NEXT day no questions asked! That makes a great product even better I will continue to sing the Kindle song to anyone who will listen!

  5. Thats intersting – I was just told by Amazon that they would NOT replace my Kindle, even though my screen is having the same problem, in the exact same place, as other people for whom they HAVE replaced it.

  6. I stepped on my Kindle and broke the screen – since I was just outside of my warranty by two months – they are sending me a new one for $99 which sure beats full price…

  7. I broke my kindle screen (totally my fault…oops!) called amazon and within 5 minutes and no questions asked I was told I would have a replacement Kindle within 2 days- talk about great customer service!!

  8. Yup my Kindle broke they thing that looks kinda like a deformed bar code. I had bought mine thru Amazon after the DX came out thru one of the many sellers on there. Typically no warranty, but I got in on some kinda special and since I was under 1 year Amazon sent me a brand new one no charge 2 day shipping. LOVE MY KINDLE 🙂 I was trying to read around the broken part LOL

  9. Broken Kindle screen today. MY FAULT!!! Called Amazon to see what it would cost to have it repaired. (Told them I broke it.) Sending me a new Kindle via priority. All I have to do is print a return shipping label and send in my broken one. Awesome service!!! Was already sold on the device but will now become an evangelist of the device and service!!!

    1. The same thing just happened to me today! I took my Kindle with me to class, and during my last class of the day I thought I’d read a little bit since we were waiting for the professor to show up, and my screen had gone haywire. Called them and told them what happened, and I’m getting a brand new one shipped overnight! Amazon has great customer service!

      1. I ordered my kindle I am living in Chile it shipped super quick 2 weeks. The screen went haywire in less than a week called customer service got talking to a great customer service rep he talked me through everthing and they have sent the replacement and have paid for the shipping on my kindle back I am going to recommend this product to everyone I know Incredible customer care way to go Amazon