Tim said it better than I could, but I’m also very much looking forward to attending Entertainment Gathering this year. I was there covering the event last year and it was a huge creative recharge and very inspiring.
My favorite story from last year was at lunch I noticed this amazing looking device that was totally readable in broad LA daylight sitting on a table. I was gawking at it and a voice behind me said “Pick it up! You can play with it.” It was Jeff Bezos with his trademark laugh and the device was a Kindle. He gave a personal demo and I was sold, I pre-ordered one as soon as I got online and have loved it ever since. (Except it’s broken now, but that’s another story.) Registration is currently open here.
Please come to indonesia.. 🙂
I am next year for WordCamp.
Yes Matt visit Indonesia, we will be very happy to welcome you, WordPress is so famous and most used blogging platform for Indonesian bloggers
Dude, I had no idea you were coming! Man, I really need to get my presentation in order… :0
I’ll see you there… 🙂