Cooking Tsatziki

If you ever wanted to see me talking about cooking, specifically tsatziki, or in an apron. (Which is probably the most complex thing I could make.) Luckily I had some professional help. Thanks to KTEH for the opportunity.

50 thoughts on “Cooking Tsatziki

  1. wow… being Greek actually makes me somehow proud 😛 how did you smell after that? wooh when we eat tzatziki here in Greece we give our gf too so there is no trouble if you know what i mean 😛

  2. That was awesome, Matt! Anyone “smell” a FoodPress coming? 🙂 Also, your domain name inspired me to get a new one more suited to my future line of work. Hope to see more of these videos!

  3. Hey Matt,

    This is cool! Thanks for doing this. You should check out Rouxbe ( They have some really great video cooking tutorials; its totally invaluable if you want to learn how to cook. Check out the knife skills drill-down – you’re rocking your knife.


  4. Well done, Matt! It’s almost 3:30 AM in Portugal or I’d be hitting the kitchen and trying this myself! I’m flying over to SF in January or February, we should have dinner. Maybe in that place in Berkley where we met for the blogger dinner with Dave Winer?


  5. matt cooking…the final frontier…these are the voyages of the starship mullenweg, who’s mission is to seek out new experiences, new cuisines, to boldly go where no matt has gone before.

  6. it’s a good thing the chef stepped up to “narrate”, or you would’ve lost me early… Seriously, as a foodie with a WP blog, it was great to see you cooking!
    And Tsatziki is awesome.

  7. Please tell me that the black cutting board was plastic and not some sort of other material. You should consider doing all your cutting on the nylon or wooden boards… unless of course you like to buy knives 😉
    We’ll be trying this recipe despite the uncertainty of the cutting boards. Thanks for sharing.

  8. Matt, you’re going to become a food blogger, too? We have enough competition 🙂 You already have the hardest part of being a food blogger down – the photography – so I guess we better watch out. For your next recipe, I want to see you make a recipe with the buffalo mozzarella you tried here

  9. Drink the beer, so that you have more room. Hopefully, you aren’t too wasted from it that you remember to that you originally wanted to put the thing in the fridge.

    That also seems a little bit more work than I would want to do or handle.

  10. Sweet video, but OH MY GOD DUDE, watching that made me worry for your fingers! I cannot believe you had a professional chef sitting feet away from you watching you cut in (about) the most unsafe fashion possible. 😛

  11. Awesome recipe! I’m with Andrew though—Rouxbe is an awesome site if you’re interested in learning proper technique. It’s quite addictive.

    For the sake of your fingers, learn how to hold your big beautiful chef’s knife. Then learn how to steel it. The position of your other hand is just as important as the position of your knife hand. Knowing how to handle your knife, even if you don’t cook, will save you time and pain in the kitchen!

  12. Hah ! Watched it all but wondering if I would be able to get any “greek yogart” around here. My x says its almost the same as the ones we get locally.

    Either way, is that your house ? Love the pile of books !

  13. Well done Matt!
    If I had a tavern here in Crete Greece, I would let you make the Tsatziki recipe cause you made it right and carefully.
    Greetings from Heraklion, Crete my friend.

  14. Love the video Matt, must say you look very comfortable hadling that mighty English cucumber, must be a size your used to working with 🙂 Hope all well and have a fab week dear chap.

  15. A quick hint for everybody.. garlic is yummy tasty but don’t over do it.. experiment a few times with different doses of garlic otherwise your loved ones will hate you even if you brush your teeth 🙂

  16. I think Matt should do a weekly cookshow.

    Come on ppl, “cooking with Matt”. He can be a multi-tasker….automattic, akismet, gravatar, polldaddy, wordpress, and now cooking.

    Pfft, one more thing won’t kill him.

  17. Great work on the video. It’s great to learn something new. The chef was helpful too. Nice work. I wanted to try some. I’ll just have to make some watching your how to video. 🙂

  18. Good work, however next time don’t cut your garlic like this. I saw some doubt in your hand and you can cut yourself quite badly. It works for onions, but this was too dangerous.. 🙂

    Tip: First smash your garlic with the side of your knife, peel it off and then just go at it with your knife, chopping as much as you can, this way you’ll mash it while chopping.. the rest was VERY good!

  19. I’ve been making Tzatziki for years – best in the trailer while traveling. I put the cucumber and/or yogurt, if I can’t find Greek, in cheese cloth and hang them over the sink. The bouncing of the trailer over the road encouraged the draining and I’d have the best thick tzatziki! I also use dill in mine sometimes.

    Excellent job! I expect some next time I see you! Now, if you conquer Arabic hummus, let me know. It’s a disaster every time I make it.

  20. Greek yoghurt. There’s really not much to it. One easy way to make it yourself is to get a tub of plain yoghurt from the market, then dump it into cheese cloth (or a handkerchief) and suspend it over a bowl in the fridge. The water will drain out and you’ll be left with the thick yoghurt. Also, dill is absolutely required in Tzatsiki (not chives), as is a healthy amount of extra virgin olive oil. Normally you would need to add a bit of salt, but your method of preparing the ingredients with salt has somewhat negated the use of extra salt. Cheers, sir.