WordPress Interface History

A Journey Through Five Years of WordPress Interface. Take a look at what the WordPress interface looked like at the beginning of 2008. How far we’ve come!

9 thoughts on “WordPress Interface History

  1. Aww. I still remember why I fell hard in love with with the January 2004 WordPress:

    1) Slugs (i.e. human-readable permalinks)
    2) Valid xhtml output, even fixing malformed input
    3) Beautiful typography–dashes, curly quotes, you name it.

    You’ve come a long way, baby.

  2. The changes are amazing. I think I started using WordPress just before 1.5, and remember 1.5 being a revelation. 2.7 is by far my favorite update since that jump to 1.5. Incredible work, everyone!

  3. The 2.7 Admin UI is an enormous improvement from anything WordPress has had in the past. It is such a pleasure administering my website now… I love it.

  4. If we’d had that knowledge yesterday on TalkShoe 19DEC08) maybe we could have figured out that it wasn’t really you in Chat … or was it.


    p.s. best of the season to y’all