Nice picture! Titles of those books are: 1) Ash-Siroh An Nabawiyah by Ibnu Kathir (subject: History) 2) Tarikh Ath-Thobari by Imam Thobari (subject: History) 3) At-Taarikh (means: History) 4) Al-I’rob Al Mufashol li Kitaabillahil Murottal (subject: Koran Science) 5) Tafsir Ath-Thobari (subject: Koran Science) Nice! I love all of the books (kutub). Thanks Matt 🙂 Reply
Awesome picture! Thanks for sharing this travel experience with your readers.
Nice picture!
Titles of those books are:
1) Ash-Siroh An Nabawiyah by Ibnu Kathir (subject: History)
2) Tarikh Ath-Thobari by Imam Thobari (subject: History)
3) At-Taarikh (means: History)
4) Al-I’rob Al Mufashol li Kitaabillahil Murottal (subject: Koran Science)
5) Tafsir Ath-Thobari (subject: Koran Science)
Nice! I love all of the books (kutub).
Thanks Matt 🙂