Tonight (Monday March 30) at 7 PM we’re opening up the new Automattic space at Pier 38 for the first time because so many of our friends will be in town for Web 2.0 Expo and all their fun events. Come by our spot (on Embarcadero in between Brannan and Townsend) starting at 7 PM and enjoy good music, free booze, and geeky friends. We’re on the left corner and there’s a bunch of circles in the window and an Automattic sign over the door. (Sorry for the late announcement, if you could help us get the word out I’d appreciate it.) You can RSVP on Facebook here.
Hey, when you say “space”, does that mean you guys will have spare desk to rent to other small startups? That would be neat
I’m there.
Sounds like fun! Congrats on the new space — drink a few for me!
And I can’t go. What a shame.
Excuse me, I have to open my apartment window and start to scream.
Sigh. Wish I could be there for Web 2.0 Expo and especially the WordPress party. Bummer, stuck down in LA.
Have fun without me!
Matt, now in Italy is 9.44 p.m., we’ll take the first flight to San Francisco if you’ll wait for us
Happy.I can’t go…
Will just happen to be passing through SF this evening, would love to say hi
Love the early start of web2.0! Looking fwd to meeting everyone.
Looking forward to it.
Oh, totally would have made it up there fir this..
Nice digs Matt. That where you’re working out of now? Did they give you that domain as part of the sale?
StreetView ftw!
Hey Matt,
Great party last night, thanks for having us.
The new space is amazing, and it was awesome to see where one of my favorite things comes from.
Not in San Francisco at the moment, else I’d be there!
Man! This sounds like real fun! Oh, btw, I just found out that u were in Indonesia too!
i want to go so badly!! but i’m stuck in san diego being a college student :[