29 thoughts on “Blogs Are Dead

  1. I can’t believe I’m saying this… but you’re dead right. I stopped “blogging” in a traditional sense several months ago, due to Facebook, Twitter and other social media.

  2. I don’t feel blogs are dead
    yeah i get spam on my blog
    but i have things that take care of that

    I do feel things like twitter slowed bloging down a bit
    but over time bloging will come back

  3. I don’t treat my blog as a blog but a website. I am just starting out but still I’m working on getting a new appearance for it instead of the stock templates.

  4. I agree with a lot of the post, but “Blogs are dead” is a typical, inaccurate, sensationalist headline. Blogs aren’t dead at all, they’re just getting better and more integrated.

    Blogging is alive and well, it’s just evolving.

    1. I agree, I use Facebook, Twitter, and myspace to promote my blog. That’s where I get most of my traffic. Besides, how are you going to write a BLOG about how blogging is dead? Am I the only one who thinks that’s ironic?

  5. For the personal blogs, the hobbies and activist bloggers they might be dying but for the commercial blogs their is still a future. People will always search for information and the commercial blogs will fill that.

    1. I don not think even personal blogs are dead ore will ever die. Off course due to al those new social networking techniques people have more choices, so naturaly there will be a wider spread of used techniques and a less fixation on blogs. This however is a good thing, let the bloggers blog, the hyvers hyve, hell let even the twitters ehm twitter ;o) Its a natural evolution in this digital world.

  6. I believe blogs are less of a fad than micro-blogs and other conversation tools. They exist for a while and are here to stay, but probably not the way it is today. With time we will have more and stronger relationships between the different online platforms. Social networks, blogs, micro-blogs, they will merge and become our virtual extension. We are still trying to figure out what will be the virtual ID of the future and many are competing to become the standard. Whatever the solution, blogging will be part of it, it’s only the environment that will change.
    Well, this is my 0,02 cents 🙂

    Btw, this is a dazzling theme you’re using!

  7. It is somehow funny that you guys already discuss about whether blogs are dead / are dying or not – while in other countries like Germany it is an expontential growing hype at the moment. 😉
    Is web 2.0 eating itself? 😉

    Blogs will never die. Its the only way to bring up your complete individuality online without the need to be a techie.

  8. They are not dead. They are just evolving. Along with the ecosystem around them.

    Of course maybe we should just check if they have been nailed to their perch.

  9. Blogs have yet to show their real power. They have already challenged, printed newspapers and magazines. Social media only provides you connectivity. It is very premature to announce that blogs are dead or dying

  10. Not Dead… THEY’RE UNDEAD…

    For me, the only difference between “blogs” and “normal” websites is the frequency of updating them. Blog software just lets anybody have a simple website that they can update easily. It will never go away.

  11. I’m blogging more now than I was six months ago. Twitter is for very small, everyday things, and the blog is for…. well, blogging.

    But, I can say that we, as busy people, don’t have too much time or will to write extremely long articles every day.

    And there will be always people like me who don’t get the whole Facebook or MySpace thing =P

    1. I agree with you. Blogging for Blogging which simply means for a purpose!. Facebook and all this stuff is good for social connection between people either bloggers or not, nothing more!

  12. It does seem like the blog ecosystem is ‘dead’ compared to what it once was.

    However, I just came across your site, and its beautiful! Great job!

  13. Some bloggers have stopped blogging, for one reason or another, and digged themselves into the social world (digging, stumbling, ect) but in the matter of fact they are linking to posts so blogs are live and kiking 🙂

    I am eager to read Technorati’s State of Blogging for 2009 btw.

  14. Just read this. This is great. I love the idea of a blog being our personal media hub. It does make me think a lot, though, about what it will mean for us creatively/professionally/personally to have to have all sorts of people in your life coming to that one place.