14 thoughts on “Q&A: WordPress Now

    1. We’ve got a little bit of information on http://im.wordpress.com/ — it’s live and being used by a few people today.

      Jabber is probably the most efficient many-to-many last mile broadcast protocol available. I think what it needs to go more mainstream though is specific clients, getting subscriptions through your IM client is a little weird.

  1. The biggest misconception about WordPress IMO is that it is only for blogs. I have found WordPress very useful for websites, even for ones that are only pages without blog posts. It’s great for this because it’s easy to use for almost anyone, and once you have a site setup even non-techie users can easily add and edit content. But, I often have a hard time convincing people that they can use WordPress for this; they often say “No, we can’t use WordPress, that’s just for blogs!” So that’s the biggest misunderstanding in my opinion.

  2. I agree, the WordPress platform has been the easiest and most versatile to customize. I see more opportunities for wp-commerce development. After much experimentation, Google Check-out has been the most seamless, while keeping the blog format and adding a store. Thanks for WordPress!

    1. We have a Southern Literary site that required hands on publishing until ’99 at which point I developed a L.A.M.P. site. I moved everything over to WP several years ago to everyone’s delight.

  3. I’m currently using it as a search engine page, with the blog operating behind that, and used another page to display video playlists (pagination). 🙂

  4. Love the videos, Matt. I am always encouraging clients to use WordPress for their websites w/ or w/out a blog. Doesn’t matter. It’s easy to work with and there are some eye popping designs out there. Makes businesses look great. Many thanks…