Snaps from WordCamp Orlando.
A balanced breakfast
Mark Jaquith, Andrew Ozz
Jane Wells, Ryan Boren, Mark Jaquith, Andrew Ozz, Peter Westwood
Barry Abrahamson
Stephane Daury
Chris Scott
Eric Marden
David Rogers, Mark Krupinsk, Robert Dempsey, Ryan Price, John Rife Iii, David T. Harris
Eric Marden, John Ranaudo
Andrew Norcross
Eric Marden
Ryan Boren
Michael Bishop
Matt Mullenweg, Michael Bishop
Matt Mullenweg, Ryan Boren, Mark Jaquith, Andrew Ozz, Peter Westwood
Andrew Ozz, Chris Scott, John James Jacoby, Erik Marden, Matt Mullenweg, Jane Wells, Barry Abrahamson, Mark Jaquith, Jeremy Harrington
John James Jacoby
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Jane Wells, Ryan Boren
Andrew Ozz
Eric Marden
Eric Dodds
Stephane Daury
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John James Jacoby
Josh Hallett
Mark Jaquith
Stephane Daury
Jane Wells
Ryan Boren
Jane Wells, Ryan Boren
Nick Gernert
Nick Gernert
Barry Abrahamson
Andrew Ozz
Chris Scott
Andrew Zipern
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Wow, I live in Orlando and would loved to have gone… had I known about this. Hmmph.
Great pictures Matt. You’ve definitely got the “photographer’s eye.” Always fun to see what people choose to shoot too.
I had a great time at my first WordCamp. I will definitely be back next time.
Gotta catch up on my Jazz history though, haha.
I’m happy my face doesn’t always look like that.
Or does it… Crap I bet it does.
Did you use a WP plugin to get all these pictures in one post?
I have been trying to do a post like this for a month…
Nope it’s all just built in WP. The new default template for 3.0 will show some of this in action.
So fun to see the good times!
Are you shooting RAW and just extracting the JPGs or shooting JPGs? Get a copy of Lightroom and use it to quickly white balance those ones in the lovely tungsten /*sarcasm* light so the poor people don’t look so jaundiced. Super easy to correct fast in Lightroom. I LOVE that software!
I shoot RAW + JPEG but generally only work with the JPGs.
What’s your policy for republishing photos (of myself) on my own blog? Are they ©opyrighted or creative commons licensed or ???
You can use them however you like. A credit link is appreciated if there’s room for it.