28 thoughts on “Not Just for Blogs

  1. Well, I can’t get to that link at the moment (it’s timing out) but we just launched the new Blendtec.com on WordPress and WP E-Commerce. The project took us 35 days from concept to launch, and most of that time was spent working the content or converting data from the old cart.

    We still have lots of work to get the whole setup where we want it, but I love how easy WordPress is making the process! 🙂

    1. Ugh, I’m always spying the grammatical flubs AFTER I post. Suffice it to say, WordPress is making this process very simple. And my company loves me to pieces for convincing them to give this a go. Thanks! 🙂

  2. Wow! Thanks for the mention Matt. I am rather humbled. 🙂 I wouldn’t be doing what I love every day if it wasn’t for WordPress, Automattic and of course the wonderful WordPress Community.

    P.S. Love the new ma.tt theme!

  3. I just wish WordPress had a little more in depth documentation on these features. My company is considering using WordPress MU but we’re not completely sure it will work. Perhaps a better Proof of Concept section highlighting various implementations…

  4. The release of WP 3.0 should help put an end to the whole ‘for blogs only’ myth.

    We just launched a physician search site at http://www.utphysicians.com using WP as a full CMS. While we started the project on 2.8, then made the jump to 3.0… a feat easily accomplished because of the great Automattic code/team.

  5. Great article 🙂 – I’d been a joomla junkie until recently, just made first basic site using wordpress and although site has a lot of blog like elements, it showed the great flexibility and design that has gone into WP.

    Currently, can’t think of anything sitewise I’d need that couldn’t be done, and done in a straightforward way, with wordpress.

    1. Glad you liked the article Billysick. You sound like you’re about to go on the same journey I went on a few years ago. I was a Joomla junkie because that was the preferred platform that an agency I was working for used. I could make sites in Joomla and extend on them with components and modules but the development time was too slow for my liking and the backend UI of Joomla sucks.

      Welcome to the wonder that is WordPress! Once you’ve gone WordPress, you’ll never go back! 🙂

  6. I read Bronsons Article before I here, I’m happy he is being recognised by WP’s big kahuna haha. I’m going to be truthful, becuase i only use WP for blogging i’ve never really considered the fact that it really is a CMS, its a great article I’m glad you spotted it Matt

    1. Hey Keiran,

      I was stoked that Matt found that. I was actually our first experiment with posting around some social media sites to see if we got a few more readers…having Matt find it was absolutely amazing. I’m glad that I’ve reflected the thoughts of the WP community.

      Matt, if you don’t mind me asking you. How’d you find it? Twitter, Hacker News or Reddit?

  7. I also agree. WordPress has come a long way in just a short period of time. WordPress is giving users a much better Internet experience. Our online business has increased ten-fold over the past few years and we owe it to the flexibility of the many WordPress options that we use on our site. The support with the WordPress Community is top notch and second to none.

  8. yep, thats so true,
    i can give me dozens of examples that i have created myself.
    Wordpress is flexible, but after 3.0 release, specially the custom post and taxonomy part, Things just went even more flexible.

  9. Thank you Matt, for creating such a great blogging/website platform. WordPress has helped me to get to where I am today. I have no idea what I would do without it.

    Over the last year I have been developing an Event Registration plugin called Event Espresso. It would have never came to fruition without WordPress 🙂

    Thanks again!!

    Seth Shoultes

    I love WordPress!

  10. I completely agree, I have just gone live with my first ‘completely wordpress’ site here: http://www.tagrugbytrust.co.uk – and i loved the ease at which I could convert my HTML into template files. I am learning more every day about the flexibility and it keeps getting better – No more being let down by costly, undependable developers – thank you WP!!

  11. Matt thanks for pointing this out, some people still don’t realize it.

    I have come to the point where I wouldn’t use any other CMS for building a site, period.

    We just rolled out kuhar.ba using WordPress and Buddypress and it’s definitely not a blog.

    WordPress simply rocks.

  12. I am not sure if commenting on this relatively older article will get any attention but here goes.
    Let me start by saying I am a huge WP fan, bigger than many would think. Having said that a true CMS is slightly different in my eyes. In a true CMS, the back end for creating new pages would include different text areas for different parts or elements or areas WITHIN the body tag. Way more than sidebar and content.