Drew Strojny tells his story of his journey from professional football player to small business owner to full-time WordPress theme developer, all in three years. (And GPL, natch.)
Drew Strojny tells his story of his journey from professional football player to small business owner to full-time WordPress theme developer, all in three years. (And GPL, natch.)
And professional plugin developers, how many do we have? 😉
Wow, that’s one amazing story.
That’s pretty cool. Never new members of the football team new code =] He has a pretty freakin’ sweet website aswell.
wow..for certain people, wordpress have change their ways of life
A bit off topic but I’d value your input on what laptop you use in your daily work.
I use a “desktop” server but I like to vary it by using a laptop as well, from time to time, while travelling or simply while wanting to sit on the couch with the laptop in my knee.
I’ve been using the Vaio Z-series but I’m thinking about the MacBook Pro 15 inch.
So, what are you using these days and is it something you could recommend?
I’m using the top of the line Z, and have for the last few generations. It’s really nice.