Groupon has been in the news lately as a rumored 6 billion dollar acquisition target, and of course their blog is powered by WordPress. On that fact alone I’d say, go for it Google!
Groupon has been in the news lately as a rumored 6 billion dollar acquisition target, and of course their blog is powered by WordPress. On that fact alone I’d say, go for it Google!
I’m sure they get hit pretty hard with traffic. Would love to know more about their setup.
Yeah, if someone knows more about it, please share!
I second that!
Matt, in regards to small businesses having a blog is there a way that is as fast as Posterous to setup on WordPress? Considering the factor, that I have no really programming skills but want my WP theme to match my site.
Thanks for reading
Warm Regards,
Signing up for a new WordPress is usually a one-click install or less than a minute on, so getting the blog is usually no the hard part. As for customization that usually requires someone with some html/css skills to design it the way you want. Posting by email for self-hosted blogs is coming, probably around February.
Posting by email would be GREAT for those of us who have unskilled writers in the field – I would defo be able to help you guys test this feature.
How does one get involved with assisting with WP development?
Check out
Incidentally, your comments font shows up a little jagged on my Firefox browser.
What if Google buys your company then
I heard that Groupon actually started out as a WordPress blog:
I have been using WordPress for almost five years. At this juncture I am convinced there is no site, commercial or private that can not be run with WordPress, with a little imagination. I could see that groupon was a WP blog.
When I am on a blog or site like groupon, and think it is a WP blog, I often look at the source code, to see which theme (they use their own groupon theme of course), plugins and widgets they use. Not really to get ideas for my blog, but rather to know I am good company.
I, too, have website based upon WordPres – almost brand new and barely used apart from one big, obscene picture of a grapefruit – and, if Google want to pay me six billion for it, I’d say go for it Google!
Before they bought out they were ; pretty catchy.
Can I assume that all good acquisitions have a WordPress element?!
I’ll assume yes unless someone corrects me.
The deal fell through, maybe some other time.