The other week in my hometown of Houston, Texas I ended up on stage in a joint conversation with Dries Buytaert, the founder of Drupal. The video of our chat is now on, and worth checking out particularly if you’re curious about the early history of both projects. We’re more alike than different, and Dries is someone I respect a lot.

7 thoughts on “Chatting with Dries of Drupal

  1. how come you two guys (and all the other programmers like you actually) don’t join your efforts and skills to create the absolute best open source cms or whatever. i feel like there’s lot of wasted time an energy developing two separate platforms that tend to do the same thing
    ps: sry for my weird engl

  2. “We want a 7-stage workflow”, “No you don’t, that’s dumb”.
    Entertaining discussion, too bad about all the mic problems at the beginning. I’ll have to give Drupal another spin, the last time was all those years ago when they first started.

  3. Great video. Dries and you are really impressive. As an open source project founder myself, I could recognize several patterns that we have encountered in the past (and hopefully some that we will encounter in the future)

    Something I really liked is when Dries said “one tipping point was the first book about Drupal”.

    I also like when you Matt, say that your goal is not to host all blogs in the world and that “the web leans itself to be distributed” (compared to a few “proprietary closed networks”). I also appreciate what you describe as the “open source elevation process”.

    WordPress has contributed (and still does) to make open source “popular” and is no longer targeted to a technical audience. Thank you for that. Thank you for showing the path to other open source projects as well.

  4. I bookmarked this and finally went back and watched/listened.

    Great chat. It’s interesting to listen to you both discuss building the software.

    I didn’t realize that Drupal is older than WP.

  5. Great moment in history, I’d have to agree. Is there a reason we don’t automagicly tube these videos?
    – The PC got the lion’s share of the desktop computing market because, relative to the Mac, it kept its barriers to entry REALLY low.
    – WordPress does not replace Dreamweaver.
    – 110% Viral Marketing & Sales does not mean Zero Marketing & Sales.

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