Rachael Chong has an article on Fast Company Co.exist that includes my thoughts on giving, charity, and impact in the world.

4 thoughts on “Using Publishing To Push Change

  1. Matt, this is so right on. Because of WordPress (.org and .com), I’ve been able to build over a dozen websites with virtually 0 overhead and have been able to help each organization or small business grow. I think what you have built is an AMAZING, AWESOME, POWERFUL tool and am very proud to be using it for all my online work at the moment. Thanks for this lovely gift to the world.

  2. Hi Matt,
    Since I’ve admired your work from afar, it nice to see your life mission / vision outlined so concisely.

    Being young, your continuing impact in the world will be profound – as well as, outlive you. Was it Isaac Newton who said “I stood on the shoulder of giants.” to describe his work? It seems that, similarly, you are carrying on a legacy of service to others – and indeed, are in good company.
