I would love to drink Champagne anytime, if it were not for the price.Thank goodness, France has absolutely wonderful sparklings wines from all of their wine regions that I use everyday for my aperitives!
I am especially fond of their Cremant de Bourgogne, as Burgundy sits just below the Champagne district. I would rather drink a well made cremant, than a poorly made champagne!
“Je ne peux vivre sans champagne, en cas de victoire, je le mérite, en cas de défaite, j’en ai besoin” Napoléon
I would love to drink Champagne anytime, if it were not for the price.Thank goodness, France has absolutely wonderful sparklings wines from all of their wine regions that I use everyday for my aperitives!
I am especially fond of their Cremant de Bourgogne, as Burgundy sits just below the Champagne district. I would rather drink a well made cremant, than a poorly made champagne!
Hey, I took French. I can translate this directly, sorta. Been a while.
“I can not live without champagne, in the case of victory, I deserve it, in the case of defeat, I need it.”
I agree with the sentiment. Although I would apply it to beer or gin instead.
I’m Lovin’ it! FP
Rosé Brut.
These words reminded me of Francis Underwood (House of cards). Its so brutal.
Do you deserve it or do you need it?
It’s usually some of both.
Yes that makes sense.