Thirteen years ago, building on the work of Michel and B2, Mike and I pushed the button on the first-ever release of WordPress. That means it’s now a teenager, which is blowing my mind similar to what I imagine real parents might feel at this stage. We now have 5-7 years of awkwardness and incredible growth to look forward to.
WordPress is one of the best things that happened in my life as an IT professional.
So this is also a Thank you so very much.
WordPress is the greatest peice of free software ever, its now foundation stone of the open web.
Hell Yea! 13 years and Strong!
Contrats Matt and Co. I love the product. I’m a publisher of words thanks to your company.
Thanks for this teen. It helped me articulate thoughts I never knew I had. And thanks for making it easy!
Congrats everyone!
I think next 5 to 7 years for WordPress are going to be vital for its growth in enterprise sector. REST API will play an important part here, if it gets merged at the right time before GraphQL becomes a thing. #thinkoutloud
This is really incredible. Everything I have today is because of WordPress. More power to it!
“I see the future of WordPress as a web Operating System”
Wow. In three more years, it can drive. Congratulations.
In May of 2004, after experimenting with Typepad, I decided WordPress was a superior platform, but wanted it self-hosted. I struggled off and on for a couple of days trying to get it to properly function, and in frustration emailed Matt. He asked for a donation to WordPress, and then hooked me, even taking the time to explain what I’d missed. I’m still running that blog today, some 2,100+ posts later. It’s been through some revisions, theme changes, and cleanups over all these years, but it’s still chugging along from way back then.
Thanks Matt for a great platform, and your help all those years ago.
When fumbling around the internet helplessly to find an all encompassing service for my blogging needs I was struck by a lightning bolt of relief as I read about, and explored WordPress for the first time. It has provided me with a forum for my thoughts, passions and ambitions while feeding my creative drive and entrepreneurial spirit. Thank you for your success, and for helping others achieve theirs.
Hello dolly
Congrats! WordPress rocks! Still convinced that this will save the future of many digital nomads and web professionals. I guess it will last way longer than 5-7 years from now
You done good, dude. Probably never realized what a beast it would turn into but it’s shaping the future of the internet. Bravo!
Congratulations to you, Michel and Mike. Well done and thanks.
We are grateful to you because WordPress is the most important part of our life.
Congrats to WordPress! The coolest thing is that I met WordPress 10 years ago.
Happy Birthday WP. Can’t wait to see where you go with the next 13 years of your life <3