WordPress 14


Today is 14 years from the very first release of WordPress. The interface I’m using to write this (Calypso) is completely unrecognizable from what WordPress looked and worked like even a few years ago. Fourteen years in, I’m waking up every day excited about what’s coming next for us. The progress of the editor and CLI so far this year is awesome, and I’m looking forward to that flowing into improvements for customization and the REST API. Thanks as always to Mike for kicking off this crazy journey, all the people chipping in to make WordPress better, and Konstantin and Erick for surprising me with the cool cake above.

13 thoughts on “WordPress 14

  1. Congratulations! Wow, 14 years, I just calculated, I’m on 12+! Serious accords, a lot of hard work. I would try to equate WordPress to a teen, but it’s already been driving!

  2. WordPress started my ball rolling and I have gathered no moss since. Many times it was contemplated to shut down my account in WordPress but my love for it is so strong that I know it stays forever. A big thank you and heartiest congrats on the magical 14 years. Splendid Journey! I sail with you.

  3. Thank you Matt and your team for making the world a great place to be. I discovered WordPress while in prison serving 20 and I fell in love with it and it help me live a honest life though I wasn’t a qualified web developer. Thank you

  4. My heartfelt congratulations to you on 14 years…My own blog will be turning 5 years old later this year, and I started in 2012! Isn’t it ever-so-amazing?-JW