The Web Turns 30

“Vague, but exciting.” Thirty years ago yesterday, Sir Tim Berners-Lee submitted his original proposal for an information management system to his boss at CERN — what would later become the World Wide Web (and, it turns out, a huge influence on my life and career).

To help celebrate, I tweeted WordPress’s contribution to the web’s grand timeline (above), and I got to participate in The Economist’s Babbage podcast looking back at the pioneers of the early web. Listen to the whole episode below:

2 thoughts on “The Web Turns 30

  1. Awesome podcast; you’re always good for a really heavy share!

    FYI, there’s an interesting wrinkle in Chicago’s heated mayoral election. In the nonpartisan election last month, both of the prevailing candidates were using WordPress.

    For the runoff election next month, one of the candidates has switched to Drupal 7. I don’t know when the switch took place, but I’m now actively supporting that candidate and didn’t expect that curve ball. I know you are very cool with the Drupal folks, but this is an interesting and expected “riddle” in my small world. 🙂 I’m confident both candidates would STRONGLY support a future WordCamp Chicago, so WP will win either way. Chicago really needs WordPress!

    FYI2, a brilliant saxophonist and WP user will be at the HSPVA Jazz Festival next week. His membership site immediately blew my mind. Cheers to 33.3%, Matt!

  2. The internet is much older. Like almost 50 years.
    The world wide web is a protocol build on top of the internet (in a sense making the internet way more useful and helping to spread adoption) just as the lightning network is build on top of Bitcoin.