Today is the day! The first day of my sabbatical. What an experience it has been. On Thursday I delivered my very first Ignite talk on the subject! Here it is.
The Ignite format is a tricky one as a speaker! I will do better next time. My friend Connie has delivered seven Ignite talks now and I thought hers and Adam Savage’s were the highlights of the ones I saw. (I didn’t see everything because I was popping in and out.)
Preparing for this sabbatical has been the most fun I’ve had working at Automattic, ever. It brought so much clarity to things, we’ve been able to resolve in hours things that have lingered for months, including two acquisitions, several hires, big strategies, and more.
After this talk I caught a redeye to NYC to meet with the leadership team and hand off my leadership there to Daniel Bachhuber.
It is a beautiful symmetry that the first-ever sabbatical taken at Automattic was by its CEO at the time, Toni Schneider, which gave me the opportunity to step in and try on being a CEO, and it’s an incredible gift that Toni is returning to be CEO of Automattic while I’m out for the months of February, March, and April.
What am I going to do with all this free time? Blog a ton. So follow along if you want to see this journey. I’m going to try to open source all the things.
Update: I ended up extending this to May 15 since it got a late start.
All the best Matt for your samattical I am so excited for you.
Leading by example with proactive blogging is a great way to utilize a fraction of that time out
Enjoy your Samattical. You deserve it.