Kindness and Techcrunch Disrupt

Back in June I recorded an episode with Jaclyn Lindsey on the Why Kindness podcast, for their awesome non-profit You can listen to it through Pocket Casts here:

This is kind of funny because I’m obviously in the midst of the big battle with Silver Lake and WP Engine. I am a huge proponent of kindness, but sometimes you have to stand up for what’s right if someone is taking advantage of you.

I’m continuing to do some select press, and will be appearing in a conversation with Techcrunch’s Editor-in-Chief, Connie Loizos, at 10:30AM on Wednesday in San Francisco at their Disrupt conference. It’s an amazing conference! Over 10k people from all over the world, just started today. I’m glad they were able to work me into the schedule, I think it will be a timely conversation. We may even have an announcement to make. 🙂

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