Category Archives: Asides

Interesting links.

More Pingomatic

66,639 pings on Ping-O-Matic yesterday, let’s see if we can beat that today. 🙂 I rewrote the pinger deamon in Python, because the old PHP one was crashing the system on a regular basis. The new one is amazingly light, and was ridiculously easy to write. So now Ping-O-Matic is powered by PHP, Python, Perl, and caffeine. Right tool for the right job.

WP Blacklist

I’m not sure why they’re still working on a WordPress Blacklist when that functionality is built in to 1.2 in a very robust fashion. At this point patches to improve the included blacklist/moderation would be more useful to the average user, I think.

One Word

Derek Featherstone: One Word: ImPressive. “OK, I admit it. I’m on the WordPress bandwagon.” When did we become a bandwagon? Derek outlines several reasons why he chose WordPress, including its syntax, templates, and learnability. He has a nice clean design over there as well. Congrats and welcome to the family. 🙂

Saddest Music

Jeffrey on the new Glassdog and the web. Happy ninth birthday. HTML wasn’t easy enough, and it isn’t getting any easier. Blogs aren’t anything special, they’re just a function of software that makes it easy to maintain content. Compare the usability of the top 3 blog packages with the top 3 “content management systems.” Blogging software is the simplest mechanism for “In-depth explorations of every imaginable topic.” That’s the revolution.