Category Archives: Technorati

Technorati and Authority

Did anyone notice how Technorati is now showing an Authority score for blogs? I searched for it on Technorati, which took me to this blog talking about the feature, which seems to indicate it’s an alias for number of unique blogs linking in the past 180 days. It would be neat if the number had a little more secret sauce.

So using the new number, has 634,821 unique active blogs linking to it, and has 496,462. Given that I know we have 931,951 live blogs on, Technorati seems to indicate that about 53% of them are active, which seems within the realm of possibility. However I don’t think the same methodology works for all sites, for example Livejournal which claims 12,877,330 live blogs only shows up with 481,843 in the last 6 months in Technorati, seems unusually far below their million blogs updated in the past 1 month, even taking into account a huge number may be private.