Contact Spam

My contact form, which sends mail to a whitelisted address so I don’t miss any messages, is getting absolutely hammered by spambots. They’re not hitting my comments and the contact form is something I wrote from scratch, but it has received over 200 spams in the past hour. The more they do stupid stuff like this the more data I have to block them in the future.

Blogger Endorses Firefox

Just got this in my forgot-my-username-and-password email from Blogger, “You could also try logging in/recovering your password from a different web browser – we recommend Mozilla Firefox: Sincerely, The Blogger Team.” Very nice, but if they had recommended “gbrowser” then I would’ve had a real scoop. Also, they have a really great website. I don’t know how much is Adaptive Path magic and how much is in-house, but the result is a pleasure to use.