Sourceforge Woes

Sourceforge seems to have borked parts of the WordPress CVS repository, replacing files with files from other projects. Needless to say, this makes the CVS a little more bleeding edge than normal. Looking into this now. Might be a good opportunity to move this last critical bit off Sourceforge and switch to Subversion.

iPod Won’t Mount

Weird problem: my iPod shows that it’s charging and it shows up as connected (with full info) in the System Profiler but it doesn’t mount, it doesn’t show up on the desktop or in iTunes. I’ve tried two Firewire cables and a USB cable, so I’m sure it’s not that. If I had to guess I’d say it started after the 10.3.5 update, but I’m not really sure.

Spammers Discover Internationalization

Got this in my inbox this morning with a Spam Assassin score of 0.1: “If yöu Ã¥sk yöursëlf “Höw cÃ¥n it bë sö chëåp?”, thë Ã¥nswër is simplë: wë buy hugë quÃ¥ntitiës dirëctly fröm thë möst fÃ¥möust PhÃ¥rmÃ¥cy Pröducërs (whërë pëöplë cÃ¥nnöt buy) thÃ¥n wë chÃ¥rgë just önë cënt për dösë. This wÃ¥y yöu gët thë bëst pricës Ã¥ll övër thë wörld Ã¥nd wë sëll much mörë thÃ¥n öur cömpëtitörs.” I wonder how long it’ll take my bayesian filters to learn this trick. And no, they weren’t using CSS or a punk band.