No Recording

Well it looks like I won’t be recording with the Calvin Owens Blues Orchestra in two weeks. The person I was replacing in the band showed up to the rehearsal and it turns out there had been a misunderstanding with he band leader. I’m still going to be joining the band in a few weeks, but I won’t be on their upcoming CD.

Standards Police

The Standards Police, I think Keith is totally off here, as I began to express in Dave’s comments. A laissez-faire approach to compliance isn’t helping anyone. Someone needs to set an example, and if it’s not these guys who will? Jeffrey and Doug, each with no small amount of content on their site, seem to have no problem keeping things compliant. Neither does Eric, Tantek, Joe, Lars, Anne, Mark, just to name a few. Don’t tell me “validation is very hard and takes quite a bit of effort.” That’s a weak cop-out. Accessibility is very hard, design is very hard, music is very hard, driving in between the lines is very hard. If you don’t want to make the effort, then don’t dabble and make flippant comments that hurt the field as a whole and insult the people who work “very hard.”

I’m coming out. This site is to the best of my ability valid XHTML 1.1 sent with the proper MIME to browser that can handle it. Even the photolog, which took me hours and hours of work to get to the point where it is now, and for a long time was far from decent markup. However I am fairly certain that there are some comments (particularly on the mosaic thread, which now has almost a thousand replies) that have broken validation, and though I am very busy I will personally check each of these. WordPress helps a lot. The WordPress site is also XHTML 1.1 with the exception of the forums, which are compliant by default (more hours of work) but which could do a much better job of validation input. These are my weaknesses, out for the world to see. Even though the sites work just fine, and “validation doesn’t pay the bills,” I’m going to devote my time to fixing these problems because how can I presume to be a member of an organization devoted to standards without following them myself?

Update: Pulled and republished.

Periodic table usage

Brian Alvey on periodic table usage. His problems sound like nothing that couldn’t be fixed with a little overflow and some non-float layout tricks. The WIN sites really need a makeover, or a markover, because it looks like tag soup to me. “My readers are more important than the year I’ll spend in purgatory for using a single table in an otherwise modern layout.” Say three Our Zeldmans and you should be alright. (Another note: WIN sites don’t support pingback or trackback yet?)