Tanya — Raving Lunatic: “At one point he said “they can have my organs after I’m dead. Not before,” and I found myself thinking, “well that’s perfectly sensible. I can get behind that.””
Round 2
I could enjoy these more if I cared for the design of the site itself. Sequels always have trouble.
Same as the Old
Meet The New Blog—Same As The Old Blog.
“In other words, dear comment spammers and trolls, you are both now officially extinct. The asteroid has hit, and you are a herd of triceratops. Time to die.” Aaron doesn’t dig the template structure.
One Word
Derek Featherstone: One Word: ImPressive. “OK, I admit it. I’m on the WordPress bandwagon.” When did we become a bandwagon? Derek outlines several reasons why he chose WordPress, including its syntax, templates, and learnability. He has a nice clean design over there as well. Congrats and welcome to the family. 🙂
PearPC, a PowerPC Architecture Emulator. My fake OS X Sony laptop can finally be complete. At the very least it’d be useful for debugging Safari and Mac IE problems. I’ll try to install it next week.
Ping-o-Matic did over 60,000 pings yesterday. I just finished rewriting the pinging engine to make it even faster. Are you pinging it yet?
Saddest Music
Jeffrey on the new Glassdog and the web. Happy ninth birthday. HTML wasn’t easy enough, and it isn’t getting any easier. Blogs aren’t anything special, they’re just a function of software that makes it easy to maintain content. Compare the usability of the top 3 blog packages with the top 3 “content management systems.” Blogging software is the simplest mechanism for “In-depth explorations of every imaginable topic.” That’s the revolution.
WordPress and PHP
problems switching
Jill/txt is having some problems switching to WordPress, maybe we can help? Two documentation pages that come to mind are styling lists and The Loop.
Keystroke Shortcuts
A few useful Windows keyboard shortcuts. I remember seeing a very comprehensive list somewhere, but I can’t find it right now.
XML Parse Error
WP contributor Podz: “The RSS feeds from here have been stopped.” My thoughts? That ship has sailed. Despite what I’ve said in the past, to many bandwidth still matters.
Harry Fuecks on WordPress. I have learned so much from Harry over the years, quite an inspiration. Hat tip: Thomas Maas.
Sure I Do
“I really wonder how does Matt ever go thru all the articles that he links.” Also thoughts on activating and deactivating plugins. Hat tip: Alex.
Private CVS
How to set up your own private CVS repository, this is almost exactly what I would have written if I had the time. Excellent walkthrough. If you’re not using version control yet, why?
Don’t Mess With Jay
Jay Allen, From Troll to Doppelganger. For what it’s worth, I ran the IP on the forums and no posts have been made to the WP support forums from that IP.
Captchas for the blind
Kitten’s Captchas for the blind? May be more accessible, but just as annoying. I wonder what Joe will think of this.
Web Standards ROI
Keith on Web Standards ROI. Show me the money!
Periodic Table
Periodic Table of Perl 6 Operators. I’ve got a big Perl project coming up, I need to start drinking the kool-aid. (Or something.) Hat tip: Jonas.
Stephane Le Solliec
Stephane Le Solliec’s weblog » WordPress powered blog up and running “I’ve worked enough with computers to know that nothing ever work on the first try, … is that WordPress thing defying Murphy’s law?” Hat tip: Ozh, who also writes in thta Stephane created Geoping and U-Blog.
What I got out of this article is I really need to pick up a WRT54G. Hat tip: Mark Pilgrim via Slashdot.