Three Gigabytes

A chicken in every pot, and three gigabytes of upload space for every blog on I’m really excited about this, and it’s just the first step. 🙂

33 thoughts on “Three Gigabytes

  1. Great God!!! How do you people do this! You know you have really done a great service to many of us Third-World bloggers, who really can’t afford a paid service but have so many things to tell and show? 🙂
    I love you, Matt and WordPress; talking about ardent devotees, you people know you have us!

  2. Thats great news, in this day and age of online videos and other account clogging files, space is a commodity and 3GB is plenty. Thanks!

  3. Sweet! I don’t use (prefer to use my own hosting and such) but I know a few people who have been on the fence – and I think this may push them to use rather than Xanga, Facebook and/or LiveJournal.

    Good job!

  4. Hey Matt,

    This brings up an interesting question – I’ve tried to find an RSS/Atom feed I could subscribe to for WordPress news for quite some time, and haven’t ever been able to find it.

    Looks like you’re blogging the news, but the feed seems to be missing.

    Any ideas? 🙂

  5. This is nice, although I also want to know, are the users also provided with ftp access? When I used WordPress some 6 months back, I didn’t find such facilities, so I couldn’t experiment with various plugins the way I would have liked to, so I went ahead and created my own separate blog by buying a webhosting and using wordpress there, here I have much better control :).
    The overall experience has surely been a great one 🙂