Curly Quotes for Movable Type

I’ve finally gotten around to writing the instructions for Movable Type users to implement the curlme function using Brad Choate’s MTRegex plugin. The regex is the same, just the manner that it’s being implemented is a bit different. I’ve tested this out pretty extensively across this site, and there have been no problems. In fact, it’s in action right now. Once again I would like to thank Mark Pilgrim, who inspired this all.

he best instructions I can give, since I’m not a MT user myself, are to follow the very excellent instructions I’ve summarized below, replacing the MTAddRegex tags with the new ones.

  1. Install the MTRegex plugin.
  2. Create a new template module called curlyquotes with the following code:
    Code depreciated, see latest version
  3. $MTInclude module="curlyquotes"$> to the top of all your templates.
  4. Replace all occurences of <$MTEntryBody$> with <$MTEntryBody

And your done! Post any questions you might have and I’ll respond ASAP.