Catching Up

I’ve been basically totally preoccupied the past week, so I have a ton of catching up to do online. Most importantly Friday was Elaine’s birthday! Go send her some birthday love if you haven’t already. While your at it Kymberlie sounds like she had a wonderful anniversary, and that’s wonderful to hear. I finally got my blogroll working again, and took the opportunity to add some links that have been missing for a while. Zeldman has had more good writing lately then I can keep up with. So much content, so little time! Follow every link on his site. The Houston Wireless list has had some goings-on lately, and it should be interesting to see how things pan out. Joe Clark’s Slashdot interview is the longest I’ve seen yet, probably about 54k of text. That guy never ceases to amaze me.

People are coming into town from all over, and I am free as a bird till January, so this should be a lot of fun. Tonight I’m spending the night in Galveston, just because. Yay for Christmas break! It’s really my favorite time of the year. The music, the food, the weather—it’s just perfect. I hope everyone is having a happy holidays.

I know that as soon as I get used to this laptop I’m going to have to take it back. *sigh*

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