Greg Palast

Saw an interesting speech by Greg Palast today, in which he made a lot of very strong assertions about a number of issues, most notably of the 2000 presidential elections. He is not as much as a wack as I expected him to be going in, but I’m going to reserve further judgment until I read his new book, The Best Democracy Money Can Buy. I did get to have a brief but informative conversation with him after everything about his time “undercover” with Milton Friedman and situation in Venezuela, which he called the most badly reported story since Vietnam. He seemed like a very nice guy, despite his inflammatory views and writing. Check out some of the articles on his site if you’d like more background.

2 thoughts on “Greg Palast

  1. i read The Best Democracy Money Can Buy when it first came out; it’s the kind of book that was both eye opening in its revelations as well as depressing, because it was such an eye opener…. actually, today is apparently the release of the newly updated version of the book, and i plan to buy it again, cuz Palast is one hell of an investigative reporter — he’s also an equal opportunity offender, disliked by the Clinton, Blair and Bush admininstrations alike.

  2. I’ve really never heard of this guy before. He makes so many allegations though, you’d think there would be more response, at least in defense.