My Plan for Spam

Well I’ve had more spam getting through my previously perfect Spam Assassin wall so I’ve spent a good part of tonight teaching my personal Bayesian filter about my mail and what I think is spam. I’m feeding it all the good mail right now, because I’ve been deleting all the spam rather than saving it in a folder. In hindsight I should have been holding on, but my emotions got the best of me and that delete button feels so good. In the coming weeks I’m going to be posting a series of essays talking about improving your email, a subject I have given a great deal of thought to. These will be slanted toward average Joe hosted on a shared Cpanel server (like from Spyder Hosting or Blogomania) but they will be universally applicable to anyone technically minded. That said, I’m looking for one or two people to proof the articles and try these things out before I post them, so if you’re interested in taking control of your email and wouldn’t mind helping out, drop me a note and I’ll put you on the list.

3 thoughts on “My Plan for Spam

  1. Actually Rannie you’ve already “opted-in.” You see I operate by the hard and fast rule that if you hug somebody, you’re entitled to send them up to 200 unsolicited emails before they can start complaining. This gives me a lovely pool of people from SxSW, family, friends, ex-girlfriends, and people who hug everybody to shower with email every time I find a need to send an email to 200 of my closest friends. The hug system ensures that you have justification should your email ever be called into question. What’s even better, hugs are cumulative!

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