Spring Broken

On this delightfully dreary day I’ve decided to bundle up for a spell with some hot tea and get some serious coding done. In fact that’s much how my day has been so far: code, code, code, surf blogs, (4 hours later) code. We’ll see how this goes…

3 thoughts on “Spring Broken

  1. By the way … does matt at this domain.net work for you for getting e-mail? I hope so – it’s what I sent to Brad for Breaking Bread with Brad! Let me know if you need it to go to a different address.

    I thought Spring Break was supposed to be warm and sunny – what’s up with this weather? Blech!

  2. I hate the weather here. Sunday it was in the high 30’s, Monday it was 15, Tuesday it was 42, and today it’s 22 and snowing and all the melted snow from yesterday has frozen into ice. Send (consistent)warm weather, fast!