I feel ashamed posting this, but #10 on Yahoo. Not sure why I’m 10 on Yahoo, and I’ve moved from 13 to 12 and back on Google, but does it matter? I get these things from my referrer stats, honest! You can insist on my quest for search engine domination by linking to me with the Matt. Slight variations like “Matt Mullenweg,” “photo matt,” “I love Matt,” and “Matt is a _____ (fill in blank)” should be alright as well.
it should me “matt is (a[n]) ________, because matt is a conceited is just bad grammar. 😉
Grammer schmammer. Talk to Becca about that stuff.
“Matt is a dork” link, coming right up 🙂
#1 for Christine! Mwuhahahah! I rule my name! Sorry you have to be up against Matt’s Script Archive, but #12 is GREAT!
Spelling schmelling– First, I say that Josh is just being too nitpicky and I don’t care to edit this entry and second, you spelled “grammar” wrong in your comment, Mr. Mullenweg. 🙂
Editing can do delightfully ironic things.
Hey! I caught that, you dork!
P.S. Well, what do you know, editing can do some “delightfully ironic things.” 😛
For anyone totally confused now, there is an “edit war” going on with various mispellings both true and created in the various comments. This is what happens when Good Editors Go Bad, next on Fox…