Design SIG Meeting Tonight

I just wanted to let everyone know I’m going to be presenting tonight at the web design special interest group at HAL-PC. I’m going to be covering advanced CSS layout techniques, why CSS is easier for making sites, Topstyle 3, and we’re going to do a brief makeover of someone’s site at the meeting. I’ll be going through my personal methodology in making a standards-based website and redesigning legacy sites. If you have been struggling in trying to move away from table-based design or if you’d just like a free critique of your website, come out. The meeting is free and open to everybody.

Here are the details:

When? Tonight, September 18th, 7:00 PM.
Where? HAL-PC Headquarters, 4543 Post Oak Place Drive, Suite 200 Houston, TX 77027-3103.
Why? To learn and have fun.
How do I get there? Use the map linked above. Easy directions: Take 610 and exit San Felipe, head inside the loop (East) and then take a left at the first intersection. You will come to a stop sign, then pass Microcenter, and then at the second stop sign take a right. Go on that street until it dead ends in a loop, on the right end of the loop there’ll be a driveway going to an underground garage. Park, take the elevator to the second floor, and then the only office there is the HAL-PC offices. Once you’re in the office if you have any trouble finding the room we’ll be in just ask any of the friendly volunteers and they’ll point you in the right direction.

If you have any questions just drop me an email before the meeting and I’ll send you any additional information you might need.

9 thoughts on “Design SIG Meeting Tonight

  1. GAH!!! Now you tell me – such short notice. *sigh* I didn’t drive to work today, so I’ll be stuck taking Metro home. But if you feel like playing with Pixelog, have at it! LOL

  2. i just figured that out! 🙂 Christine just blogged about it and i had to come back here and redeem myself and you already beat me to it! thar she blows! 😉