RSS Requests and Browsers

Out of curiousity I ran some stats on the different RSS versions I offer here. The results were pretty much what I expected:

  1. 47 % — RSS 2
  2. 39% — RSS .92
  3. 14% — RDF 1.0

Also as an update to a previous look, I don’t know what it was about Mozilla that month (August). Here’s what is happening currently:

  1. 38% — Internet Explorer
  2. 36% — Netscape/Mozilla
  3. 6% — Googlebot
  4. 3% — Safari

That’s pretty much on par for the course. One interesting note is that IE6 users seem to spend the most time on the site, for whatever that’s worth. As before, let me know how these things stack up in your neck of the woods.

2 thoughts on “RSS Requests and Browsers

  1. “let me know how these things stack up in your neck of the woods”

    Netscape 5.0 – 29.95%
    MSIE 6.0 – 26.29%
    MSIE 5.0/5.5 – 7.59%
    Radio UserLand/8.0.8 – 7.19%
    Bloglines/1.0 – 6.88%
    MyWireServiceBot/0.9 – 4.63%
    NetNewsWire/1.0.5 – 3.88%
    Googlebot/2.1 – 2.07%
    Opera/7.20 – 0.57%

    I only offer one RSS feed (2.0) so I don’t have any numbers to compare.