Curious QRIO

QRIO, our new robot overlords friends. Hat tip: Robert. Some videos in Windows Media format:

I’m really at a loss for words.

QRIO knows your face. It’s equipped with a camera and the ability to analyze the images it sees. It detects faces and identifies who they are. It can even learn the faces of people it just met. And it responds to specific people individually, adding to the fun.

QRIO is equipped with wireless networking equipment, and can connect to your home wireless network out of the box. There might even come a day when it serves as a guide between people and information technology.

We made QRIO as quiet as possible when it moves to help it fit in pleasantly in a home. Its motors and gears turn when it walks or moves, but the vibration-resistant frame dampens the noise. You’ll be amazed to see it move so silently.

53 thoughts on “Curious QRIO

  1. Looks like it’s not only wireless networked by uses Cyro technology in addition to dual-vector servos and the like. . . .no wonder $50K. . . the ability to make upright human-type balance in machines has previously been undesirable due to the doggone noise of the thing. . . . some damping, some nice chells- pretty nice. I wonder if I can get a pirate of their control software and then burn out their signal and walk one of these puppies outta the showroom?

  2. SONY ISN’T SELLING THOSE???? I gotta get my hands on one of those. Cmon Sony!! Sony can make MILLIONS selling things like that. I gotta I gotta get one.

  3. If Sony sold Qrio’s for $200, they would be swiming in monney and it would be at a price thats affordalbe.

  4. I thought they were selling it… If they are I defiantley cannot afford it but man, is that cool.

  5. P.K you must not know much about money… if you sell a product for $200 that you spent MILLIONS to develop.. a product which the hardware components alone, without the R&D cost, cost over $1000 i’m sure.. how would you be swimming in money? I’m trying my best not to be insulting to your intelligence because i tend not to get into a battle of wits with an unarmed opponent.

  6. Why do companies spend so much money making these and not sell them! grrrrrr! Is it because they have to charge so much people can’t afford them? I can’t afford $50k but I’d pay to rent it for a day! =)

  7. I think if they could bring the price of this toy to about $2000, they’d be swimming in money because in the grand scheme of things, $2K isn’t all that unaffordable. After all, we do have credit cards nowadays. 🙂 🙂

  8. I think Qrio is a wonder of our times. He is almost like Teddy, the super toy from the movie A.I. I would love to have a friend like him. If Sony does sell him I hope they wouldn’t go any higher than $5000. Some consumer computers that we buy today cost almost that, after you add all the extras in. I would go that high but no higher, but it would be great if he was only $2000. Please Sony, sell Qrio!

  9. i think that qrio shouldn’t be sold because if it was, everyone would copy it’s design and robot builders would lose their hope to build a better one. Sony’s Qrio should NEVER BE SOLD although I would like to se one in real life. Kind of makes me feel jealous cause it’s so smart!!!

  10. well Timo funny thing is that they already have a robot on the market called “rososapien” or something like that but Qrio is 1000 times better than it. I do wish Sony would sell it, if anyone knows if they do, email me at i would love to buy one for all my employees, and i would like to start selling them here in america.

  11. สวัสดีค่ะ ต้นหญ้าค่ะ คือว่าต้นหญ้าอยากได้ข้อมูลนี้นะคะแต่ต้นหญ้าไม่เก่งภาษาอังกฤษก็เลยอยากขอให้ช่วยแปลเป็นภาษาไทยให้หน่อยนะค่ะ ต้นหญ้าจะเอาไปทำรายงานวิชา IT น่ะค่ะก็เลยอยากได้เร็ว ๆ ในอาทิตย์นี้ได้ไม่ค่ะ ถ้าส่งให้ได้ต้นหญ้าขอขอบพระคุณอย่างยิ่งเลยค่ะ เพราะต้นหญ้าได้ข้อมูลน้อยมากเลยส่วนมากเข้าเว็บไหนก็มีแต่ภาษาอังกฤษน่ะค่ะ ขอบคุณไว้ล่วงหน้านะค่ะที่จะส่งเมลล์มาให้ต้นหญ้าค่ะ

  12. I got plans for a new funding program for something like this and i would like to fund and make full verisons of this robot for a new wave of law and order by policing them in a new police force, i woul like sony to ask me to get contact with me as i got a new advertising company planing for a 400 billion pounds funding program i would like to build lots of them within my business plan SVGA. I think that this robot will be use for Health care and police and also for Training programs for employees.

    Anyone intersted then contact me my name is stephen Dixon telephone number is 01446 403107 Live in UK add 44 + and let chat. also I need sponsors for any business of interested in have a full version i would thinking of partnership with a deal for this type of project.

    If you like to e-mail me then my e-mail address is thanks this is a good robot. it like I.Robot in real life not in the movies. with will.

  13. Hi!
    I’m going to send a detailed design of a new QRIO called FIVEX (I made the name through a voting poll)
    It has Moving light eyebrows, it’s waterproof, New Joints, looks a bit better (Sony NEARLY got the Perfect look!), It has Crash panels (Panels which move in when pressure is aplide), Improved Sensors & Motors and much, much, MUCH more!
    But good things come with a price and that price is that it is 81.5cm where QRIO is 58cm but because it is a bit bigger it doesn’t look so much like a midgit.
    Well bless me with luck that Sony accepts my design! 🙂

    From a 11 year old with an I.Q. of over 110 See’ya!

  14. ya i realy agree that it needs to be waterproof and slightly taller but still small and light enough to pick up and hold/hug 🙂 and also think a little more epression liuke eyebroys or sumthin possibly somthing like papero
    which is realy good and i no coz i saw it live and spoke to its designer.

    ps: i do love him any ways

  15. Hi! i live in Japan and sony don’t have a price for Qrio yet, but when they started the project they said Qrio it will cost about $50.000,00 US dollars, i think this robot will be a toy just for rich people unfortunatelly in otherhand the price of AIBO is going down and now anybody can buy the robot dog here in Japan for $2.000,00. I hope they change their minds about the QRIO price. but all we have to do it’s wait and see what it’s going to hapen.

  16. There is no way that this robot will be 50 grand I refuse to believe it,this is the best robot that I have ever seen in my life.
    I mean aibo is only 1400 quid and that dog is amazing in one of the video’s qrio is walking with the dog the technology in qrio is better for simple reasons but the dog doesnt slack in the technology department either.I think that qrio will be no more than about 5 grand because i do find that reasonible for such a product.
    if in fact the robot is 40-50 grand then that is nasty and unfair they shouldnt show something so amazing on the internet knowing full well that normal working class ppl cant afford it. I mean who in there right mind would pay that its so stupid its funny.You could buy an average house for that amount if i won the lottery i wouldnt dream of paying that for a bit of technology.

  17. You know I am left wondering if this message bored is a trust worthy source since sony hasn’t actually released any of this info. I’m not being rude, I was just wondering if anyone here actually has the inside track or this is all rumour.

  18. I totally agree Alex, some of the stuff on here is really unbelieveable! COME ON PEOPLE! If it costs the compant 50K to make it, and they have to make a profit, they will sell it for more, NOT LESS you dips! the sony people arn’t stupid, they know that the qrio is awesome enough that people would work harder to pay for one if they can make them cooler! i’m sure they’d come out with some kind of payment plans for people that wanted to buy them!

  19. These videos are pure fluff. The reason Sony does not sell the QRIO is because they would cost $50K and they are not as amazing as you might think. Let me restate that, they are amazing, but limited, and limited enough that Sony knows people would not pay $50k for them. I would pay no more than $2,000 for it, in it’s current and imbrionic state. Five years from now you will laugh at what you today think is amazing.

  20. Why not wait? Only an idiot would pay 50,000 USD for nothing but a midget-like robot. Listen, in fifty years, this stuff will be coming with McDonalds Happy Meals. It is estimated that by the year 2015 almost all American homes will have some sort of service robot. Is ten years a terribly long time to wait? 50,000 USD couldn’t buy a house, but it could buy a good car. I am from Silicon Valley and technology realy is my thing, but trust me, this isn’t a scientific brakethrough.

  21. I personally think the reason why people are getting so worked up about QRIO is the fact that it’s just so cute, for me it’s not what he does that actually makes me want one…I saw a video with him interacting with children and I about died because it was just too cute…that’s what “sold” it for me, not the demonstrations of how he can walk around things, keep perfect balance or throw a ball… it’s his little voice and just how cute he actually is, I think it would be cute just to have a little posable QRIO action figure that says a few things in Japanese if you push a little button on him…

    Or maybe have it work with an MP3 player, that if you plugged him into your speaker port you could hear your music in QRIO’s little voice…now that would be beyond silly cute…hehe… n_n…

    Hey! And when are they going to do a cat?! They have AIBO…but come on, none of my friends in Japan have dogs, they’re all cat lovers…we want a robot kitty! hehe…

    Sorry guys…too much coffee…is it obvious? O_O

  22. i heard sony Qrio will be about $18,000 US
    from somewhere quite relieble (some link from but that is a believable price tag for that little guy. i can see many people selling the life away to get a new friend or child or pet or what ever they think this object is going to be, but yeah im a 14 old and obviosly have way to much spare time(being school holidays in Australia) and have become tranced or sumthing by qrio, it’s like when you hear his voice you got no idea what he’s saying but it sounds like hug me i want to be your freind
    and that song is brain washing (learn to love me) on the qrio vids if anyone knows where to get that song please email me on or or just email me to chat and stuff me coming down from energy high so will stop talking bye
    PS: can that 11yr old kid(the smart1) send a rough design or sumting of his new robot and please every one email me on or

  23. oh yea qrio lives in my dreams (well did 2 nights ago) it was a bad dream though
    i expected qrio to be everything when i bought like sum hardware demo but it was nothing it just did stuff and tdidnt have a personality sad dream sort of
    i think i dreamed i6t because i sort of wanna by aibo but have all these fears i would be wasting money

    but don’t worry it just odd dream i’m sure Qrio’s Amazing and spectacular and everything

  24. well! i think (Comment by 11 year old with I.Q. of 150)->is right its really expensive to buy qrio !i saw qrio in my real life and i took a picture with him !!! it looks great it came here to the middle east dubai !!!i was amazed but i think after 5 years sony will make a better one but wait a second people don’t you think that asimo is bet advanced than qrio !!! asimo honda robot !!!!

  25. Eh… Asimo is pretty cool, and I do think its right up there with Qrio. Maybe it is alittle more advance. But it doesn’t have that “Cute” factor. People want cute robots! Ive heard Asimo once… it sounds weird, too. Im sure they can program many different voices and all that jazz, but for now… QRIO is where “It’s” at!

    And yeah… $50k is wayyy to much money.

  26. The Qrio is awesome. You said they would sell it for between 40 and 50k. That’s way to much!!! Sony could make billions selling it for 1k.

  27. The should sell for clos to 4 1/2 thousand american, because sony did say thier taget was to begin sales mid 2006 at 500,00 japanese yen So, cross your fingers

  28. listen smartie sony wont accept any design not patented, Mr. Fivex. and it doesnt matter how much you can learn, it matters how much you have learned!!!!! plus i have an iq of 130!!!!!!!!!!!! Beat that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  29. If you have ever taken any control theory or worked with it, then you would truly know how incredibly magical this device truly is. I would take my bets that this thing was probably designed using a MATLAB + Simulink package or something to that sort where the feedback control simulations probably took days to complete for very small transients. Designing something of this sort is not as simple as slapping a couple servos onto a metal frame and giving it some juice. Extensive analysis of the electromechanics using root locus/pole-zero analysis is involved as well as effective implementation of lag, lead, and specialized compensators to ensure that the many many subsystem control loops remain at the least marginally stable. Attempting any type of non-linear control such as this is incredibly difficult as high order s-domain systems are absolutely unsolvable without the aid of a computer and linearization techniques prove highly ineffective in designing a system like the QRIO. Being an electrical engineer myself, I would say that the estimated prices I have heard so far are fairly reasonable “” this is primarily because engineers capable of designing something of this caliber are definitely getting paid VERY well (and there is an entire team of them). This is what we call “Research and Development costs.” The precision servos, circuitry, etc are also obviously of very high quality and therefore costly. Additionally, it wouldn’t surprise me one bit if Sony had to have CMOS ASICs custom made at a foundry in order to fit all the electronics in such a compact area. Custom ICs are produced in full wafers, and foundry costs are also extremely expensive. MOSIS, a company who will make less than a full wafer of chips for you by combining your fabrication with other customer’s to fill the wafer, will charge you as much as $21k for 10 ICs using a 0.25micron process – and that’s without the packaging/wire bonding. The moral of the story is that this device obviously cost a lot to make due to its many many special needs “” not just mechanical but electrical as well. Every piece is probably custom made, and all that adds up. As the demand increases and as the processes used to fabricate the technologies become older and cheaper, so will the unit. Just keep in mind that even though you want one, you probably don’t want one for $6K. And your friend probably also wants one, but not for $2K, etc. Because it really is just a parlor toy. Don’t expect these things to get too cheap.

  30. How sad. Iwould have paid 50 000 for it. (if i had 50 000). But i would have saved up, and bought one. (Or the equivilent latest model by the time i had earnt the 50grand.) It IS awsome technology.

  31. Jeffery….
    There are alot of people who have IQ’s of 130.
    Mine is 144 and you bragging about your IQ makes you look like youre lying. (And you are using horrible grammar BTW)

    I think the QRIO will sell like crazy when it is released to the public…. it really doesnt matter how much it is…. 50k USD or 2k USD. These things are going to sell whether the buyer has enough money for it or not.

  32. I have been playing with one of these all day. one of my friends dads is like heaps rich and bought one because he is robot fan he paid alot more then 50k for it. i didnt even think they were for sale but i guess you can get anything if you have the is so cool you have these little cards and depending how you arrange them qrio will do different things. watching him dance is cool but i like when he plays soccer. only downside is the battery it dosnt even last an hour oh well nothing is perfect. now im trying to get my dad to buy me one he said he will find out where my friends dad got it and then maybe for my birthday 😀

  33. Man, that robot is incredible, and as much as a luxury car. Its capabilities have influenced me on my perspective to think, or preindicate that this much technology in our life is too much responsibility. Who would want to play with a 50,000 dollar robot, I would be way to afraid that I would break it. I would read the manual until I memorized every word. Other than being perplexed to the machine a could have some fun.

  34. it doesnt really matter how much the qrio costs. about ten years ago, the gov’t had a plan to put sensers everywhere in the public. they estimated that with what they wanted to use, the price would drop to a few cents a senser. and they were right. they never did it. i dont know if they will, but if u think about it the qrio will drop down in price as new and better things pop up. the question is, will u still want the qrio, or will you want the new robot.

  35. its a shame sony canceled the qrio project in an effort to cut down expenses, I would have loved to buy one if I could afford it.
    however in a few years robots like these will become more and more affordable and will be seen on the street walking with kids “babysitting them”. For example check out the non AI remote controlled robots ranging prices from 1k to 2k dollars and now there’s the I-sobot,although isn’t as high tech as the other ones but it sells for like $300 only!
    Also the new Pleo dinosaur with all its sensors camera and voice recognition which doesn’t level up to a sony aibo,but still gets u part of the fun for a fraction of the price.

    now I wonder if we’ll ever look back at the Qrio ten years from now and laugh at the old technology,like we laugh about the 80’s robots!

  36. alright just to clear things up for everyone. sony will NOT sell qrio for less than $50,000. not only because it cost them millions of dollars creating him, it also cost about 40,000 to make him. his dual-vector servos, this 28 degrees of freedom, mobility, and agility, voice recognition, facial recognition, some capability of conversation, their custom operating system, 8 foot sole sensors, thermo sensor, ccd color camera, 7 microphones, speakers, 3 infrared sensors, cyro tech, probably gyroscopes in there for balance. this may not mean much to all of you but all of these things cost a good amount of money to begin with, then the assembly, and it’s operating software, the fact that it has an expandable memory, it’s batteries, the charger it comes with, the fact that they are the only ones capable of making a humanoid robot of this caliber. thats like you buying a one of a kind piece of diamond for $40,000 then selling it for $200. need i say more?

    it’s not exactly good for your company to sell an item for less then how much you build it for. if sony sold qrio for $200 or $3000 like you all said, the only thing they will be swimming on is debt and regret. yeah it would be great if they did, but will they? no.

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