Have We Met?

Having a blast here at SxSW. I’m trying to keep a SxSW blogroll of people I’m meeting but after just a day I’m far, far behind. If we’ve run into each other use this entry to leave a comment with your name, URI, and where we met, if I haven’t already listed you.

The panels today were pretty decent, though I’m sorry I missed Jeff Veen’s panel, which I heard was excellent. Monday is going to have some great presentations. So far there have been many memorable moments, some of which I’m sure I’ll be hearing about from others for a while. I’m going to do a few more pictures and then it’s to bed for me. They put some really good panels early in the morning and I still have to grab some sleep.

27 thoughts on “Have We Met?

  1. Let’s see, we met many years ago at a hospital. You were screaming. A lot. I was unimpressed. I’m glad that you changed my mind!
    I’m also very very glad that you’re having fun at SxSW. You see, if you moved here, you could have this all the time 😉 Call me when you get a chance, just to catch up. Love, C

  2. We met on Saturday night at the Omni. Well, ok – that was where I first saw you at in Austin this year – that was what you were looking for, right? No?

  3. I met you in the hall. I took a picture of you because you had one of me at kickball. You might remember me… I am the one without a Mac or a “personal” URI but still came to SXSW.

  4. Hey Matt… we ran into one another at the DFW afterparty. And I’ve got the pictures to prove it. Someday I might even post them. 😉

  5. Met on Saturday and chatted about WYSIWYGs and server-side XHTML code cleanup/parsing. Good to meet you, and thanks for the tips. Thanks for the XFN sticker too…

  6. Hmmm. Does “passed you in the hallway and exchanged friendly smiles indicating recognition several times” equate to “met”?

    I wondered where all those stickers were coming from…

  7. I met you briefly after one of the CSS panels when you were handing out XFN stickers. I think I saw you at the Iron Cactus happy hour. Also saw you in the CHAIR OF DESTINY in Kevin Smokler’s final panel.

  8. We met, you gave me a sticker, then I had to admit I had no idea what XFN was. Now I know, and the world is a much brighter place! I may break out in song …

  9. We met briefly at the Iron Cactus W3C/WaSP/CSS-D/WD-L Happy Hour, then I grabbed an XFN sticker from you after at Monday panel. Also sat behind you and Nick at Kevin’s wrap-up panel.

  10. We met at the $2 beer place. I was with Scott Andrew. Great site. Nice pic of my iBook. Just getting started, but I will be looking into XFN soon. 🙂 Thanks for the info. Kia