6 thoughts on “Zeldzilla

  1. I e-mailed that to him a long time ago… but I’m too small of a player in the blogosphere to make a difference so he promptly ignored it 🙁

  2. Andrew, I wouldn’t take it personally. I’m sure anyone would have trouble dealing the with volume of email he gets, and with a new baby on the way he probably doesn’t have the time to spend with email that he used to. Before I even had a blog he took the time to write me a detailed Photoshop tip once, years ago, and that one email is what inspired me to give as much back to the web community as I possibly can.

  3. I think it’s great to see a little hat tip like that in his direction. He has given so much to the web. Besides which it’s a darn pretty page and I love the font-geekiness of that first entry headline.